5 Ways You Can Help at Your Local Animal Shelter

5 Ways You Can Help at Your Local Animal Shelter Do you have a soft spot for dogs looking for their forever home? If so, you might be wondering how you can help. Animal shelters are always looking for volunteers, which is a great way to get your family active. Take a look at some ways … [Read more...]

Is a Senior Dog Right For Me?

Is a Senior Dog Right For Me? If you are looking for a new companion, a senior dog may have just the qualities you are looking for. Senior dogs can still offer a great deal of love, loyalty, and care to your family, and you may find they are easier than training a puppy from the start. Davinia … [Read more...]

New App Helps You Get Moving Raise Money for Animal Rescue #walk4animals

New App Helps You Get Moving and Raise Money for Animal Rescue That sounds like a pretty sweet deal. You download the new ResQwalk app from the Apple Store, put on your sneakers, and head out the door for a walk or run. Those miles you accumulate get added together and the money is sent … [Read more...]

Does TNR of Feral Cats Make a Difference? #AdoptACatMonth

Does TNR of Feral Cats Make a Difference? This month is Adopt-a-Cat month but instead of sharing a single cat that needs some help or a litter of kittens. Adopting a Cat is Awesome. Fostering a litter of kittens to they can grow up in a home environment away from the noise and diseases at … [Read more...]

5 Reasons Adopt an Older Dog

5 Reasons to Adopt an Older Dog Many people tend to adopt puppies, as they feel they are small, cute, and trainable. As a result, there is a great deal of older adult and elderly dogs waiting for their forever homes. If you are in the market to adopt a dog, why not consider an older dog? … [Read more...]

How to Host a Dog Food Drive To Support Your Local Shelter

How to Host a Dog Food Drive Have you ever had the urge to help dogs in need? Maybe you wanted to help them, but just were not sure how. Well hosting a pet food drive is the perfect way to help dogs and the shelters who house them. A pet food drive is a great way to not only show support … [Read more...]

Deck the Halls and Help Shelter Pets #BetterwithPets

Deck the Halls and Help Shelter Pets 'Tis the season to be jolly as we deck the Halls with boughs of Holly. As we open our homes to family and friends and the hustle and bustle of the season it is easy to put other things on the back burner. No need to think about the tough stuff again until the … [Read more...]

How to Organize a Charity Event for Your Favorite Shelter or Rescue

How to Organize a charity event for Your Favorite Shelter or Rescue: Dos and Don’ts If you have a great idea for organizing a charity event for your favorite shelter or rescue, didn't be deterred if you haven't started the planning and the holidays are upon us. With some quick action you can get … [Read more...]

500,000 Bowls of Food On Its Way To Pets In Need #ShakeItForward

500,000 Bowls of Food On Its Way To Pets In Need #ShakeItForward Last month, IAMS Shakeables partnered with Andrew Grantham to give pet fans a treat, as well as help pets in need. For every video view and share of the hashtag, #ShakeItForward, IAMS donated 1 bowl of food to pets in select … [Read more...]

Say THANK YOU with These 21 Incredible Cupcake Recipes

25 Incredible Cupcake Recipes With the Holidays fast approaching I want to do a little something different. We here at Two Little Cavaliers want to help you say THANK YOU to your local shelters and rescues. We love the idea of putting together a gift basket for the animals in their care but … [Read more...]

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