Unclog Your Pipes Without Chemicals I don't know about you but when it comes to dealing with clogged pipes the chemicals to deal with it make me really nervous. The noxious smell alone makes me worry I am poisoning the house as well as the water supply by pouring the stuff down the drain. … [Read more...]
All Natural Odor Fighters
All Natural Odor Fighters If you have a dog, you may be dealing with the battle with odor. For as much as we love them, we know that from time to time they can leave the carpets and other upholstered areas rather unsavory. Instead of dealing with the stench whether that of dirty dog or … [Read more...]
Use Lemon Peels Instead of Chemicals #LifeHacks
Use Lemon Peels Instead of Chemicals Lemon peels are perfect for cleaning the home and leave a fresh clean smell behind. The best part is they are safe to use around children, adults with sensitivities, and pets. While we don't recommend your dog eating the lemon peel or your cat licking … [Read more...]
Say Goodbye to Ants with This Simple Tip #Frugal #AllNatural
Say Goodbye to Ants with This Simple Tip Chemical Free Ant Repellant Ideas Ants can really become pesky around the summer months. If you enjoy spending time with your dog in the yard, you won’t want to use chemical filled sprays to repel them. Instead, you will want to go for some … [Read more...]
Life Hacks Using Lemon Baking Soda and Salt
Life Hacks Using Lemon, Baking Soda, and Salt Households with pets are always looking for ways to keep their home clean without harming their pets. While these lists aren't pet home specific we think they give some great tips and tricks on how you can get through every day life a little easier … [Read more...]
DIY Natural Disposal and Drain Cleaner
DIY Natural Disposal and Drain Cleaner Over time, your drains and disposals can become quite stinky. Food particles tend to leave odor and before you know it, your whole house can smell quite unpleasant. Instead of rushing to the store to buy some chemical filled cleaning product, why not try … [Read more...]
DIY Natural Laundry Detergent
DIY Natural Laundry Detergent Who wants to wash their favorite dress or sweater in a detergent that is full of chemicals? or that matter who wants to wash their dogs bed and pillow and blankets in something that is full of chemicals? If you are looking for a more natural and environmentally … [Read more...]
DIY Natural Carpet Cleaner Scented with Basil
DIY Natural Carpet Cleaner Scented with Basil With all of the snow and rain the country has seen the past week I thought now would be the perfect time to share a Natural Carpet Cleaner. All of those muddy boot and paw prints going back and forth even if everyone takes their shoes off before … [Read more...]
How to Rid the House of Dog Fur Before Company Arrives
How to Rid the House of Dog Fur Before Company Arrives The arrival of the holidays mean you will probably have guests coming and going in your home quite often. All of this traffic often results in the house needing a good cleaning, which might cause you to turn to over the top solutions … [Read more...]
Cleaning Green! DIY Furniture Polish – Vanilla Orange Scent
Cleaning Green! DIY Furniture Polish - Vanilla Orange Scent If you have pets, you know how important it is to use gentle and all natural cleaners in your home. Using products that are chemical free & safe for your pet are the best way to keep your home its freshest. Cleaning Green is not a fad it … [Read more...]