Life Hacks Using Lemon Baking Soda and Salt

Life Hacks Using Lemon, Baking Soda, and Salt

Households with pets are always looking for ways to keep their home clean without harming their pets. While these lists aren’t pet home specific we think they give some great tips and tricks on how you can get through every day life a little easier and without harmful chemicals. Feel free to pin the images for later use or click on the image and view for the full size which you can print out and keep around the house. And of course if you have a Life Hack tip or trick using one of these items that you do not see on the list feel free to leave it for us in the comment section.

Life Hacks Using Baking Soda

Baking Soda is almost like a miracle. There are so many uses for this unassuming household item that you keep in your pantry. Baking Soda can be used in everything from making toothpaste for your dog to cleaning the walls when they get paw prints on them. You can also use baking soda for things like removing build up of dirt and grim from your dog after they roll in the mud to using it to sooth your sunburn or rash or even chicken pox. The list goes on and on. If any household items deserve to be in the Life Hack category this unassuming items does.

Life Hacks Using Baking Soda

Life Hacks Using Lemons

Lemons for such a small fruit it packs a huge punch. Not only in taste but everything that it can do. This little fruit can do everything from deodorizing to improving your mood to cleaning your sink. Lemon juice will also help to repel bugs and liven up a room if used as a center piece. Did you know that you can burn lemon peels in the fireplace with your firewood to help rid the house of wet dog smell from all of the playing in the snow your dog has done this winter.

Life Hacks Using Lemons

Life Hacks Using Salt

Salt there is so much to say about salt. Sure dogs don’t need any added salt in their diet but it is not harmful to them like cleaning products you purchase at the store that as a solution to common house hold issues it still belongs on the list of Life Hacks. You can use salt to prevent weeds from growing on your driveway or around your house. Salt will keep the weeds away and expect for frogs which you don’t want in your yard anyway (they are toxic to dogs) there are few animals domestic or wild that contact with a little bit of salt would harm. Next time you are making homemade dog treats and you make a mess with flour all over the kitchen use a bit of salt to help clean up the mess. If you have carpet and your pet has been leaving paw prints behind sprinkle salt on the stained area let dry and vacuum. You can even clean that gross film that collects on dogs water and food bowls using salt actually you can clean it using any of our life hack household items.

Life Hacks Using Salt

Life Hacks Using Lemon Baking Soda and Salt

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  1. Whata great article , thank you so much
    YourSpecialDog recently posted..3 Huskies in the snow | White SundayMy Profile

  2. I am so going to try some of these top tips! Thanks for sharing!!
    Lauranne recently posted..He’s so full of …it!My Profile

  3. Great tips. Some Mom already knew about but there are lots of great new ones.
    emma recently posted..Navigating the Dog Food Forest | GBGV | Tasty TuesdayMy Profile

  4. I use these a lot,xx Rachel
    speedyrabbit recently posted..Disapproving Bun Day!My Profile

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