Say Goodbye to Ants with This Simple Tip #Frugal #AllNatural

Say Goodbye to Ants with This Simple Tip

Chemical Free Ant Repellant Ideas

Say Goodbye to Ants with this simple tip. #Frugal #AllNatural

Ants can really become pesky around the summer months. If you enjoy spending time with your dog in the yard, you won’t want to use chemical filled sprays to repel them. Instead, you will want to go for some natural options instead. Take a look below at some chemical free and dog friendly ant repellent ideas. These are all great ways to keep ants at bay while keeping the yard safe for your pets.

1. Keep your areas clean.
Dispose of all trash as it occurs and take trash bags out to the bin instead of leaving them in the kitchen. Keep counters and floors clean so the scent of food and spills does not invite the ants to your property to begin with.

2. Wipe down bottles.
Make sure sticky bottles like honey and syrup all get wiped down. Ants can smell these sweet things a mile away and will make a bee line for your home should they catch a whiff.

3. Plant some mint.
Plant some inexpensive mint plants in your flower beds or pots (mint will spread quickly) and it should help keep the ants out. Plus, it makes your yard smell great!

4. Sprinkle some pepper.
Ants hate cayenne pepper. Sprinkle it generously along the cracks of your homes where ants may be coming in. You can also sprinkle it around your trash cans to keep them away. Citrus oils also works when used in the same manner.

5. Get rid of the Ants at the Source!
How to Get Rid of Ant Beds Wipe out the entire ant colony with this Southern Pantry staple food!

Say Goodbye to Ants with This Simple Tip

6. Cut some cucumbers.
Once the ants do arrive, you can leave out some cucumber slices. They do not like the smell and have a natural aversion to them. While picnicking in the yard, place some cucumbers around your blanket for protection.

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  1. Love the cucumber option!
    Emma recently posted..Grow Up Already, Linus! It’s The All Star Game!My Profile

  2. I had never heard of using mint or cucumber. I love that they’re natural and will also make everything smell so good. Great tips. Thank you for linking at the In and Out of the Kitchen Link Party. Hope to see you again next week.

  3. This is the first I have heard about the cucumber! I’ll have to try it. My sister was just asking what to do with all the cucumbers she’s getting. I’ll have to share this tip with her:-)
    Christie recently posted..Healthy & Delicious Chicken Salad WrapMy Profile

  4. Thanks for the cucumber tip.
    I also had lots of problems earlier with ants, but they got better after I used Borax to get rid of them.
    Borax is a cleaner that while you shouldn’t eat it, even if you did it’s not a poison. It doesn’t even kill the ants–it makes them infertile. I have a little dog, so I wanted something safer than poison.
    1) I made ant baits by mixing equal parts of sugar and borax and then dissolving it in warm water. Then I put these on cotton swabs (on top of plastic wrap) on my counters where the ants were. They grabbed some and took it back.
    2)When I located the nest, I sprinkled a mixture of equal parts Borax and Sugar over the nest and their trails (luckily it was in areas out front where I don’t let my dog go alone).
    After about a week, the ant problem was gone–and it had been a huge problem.

    I do see scout ants (probably from other colonies) on occasion. Also, I kept my honey and sweeter things in the fridge.
    Julie V. recently posted..Date Night Reese’s BarMy Profile

  5. I had no idea that ants hated cucumbers so much! That’s so helpful!
    Gina recently posted..How Can Konmari Tidying Save You Money?My Profile

  6. Thanks for this! I’ve been trying to figure out how to get rid of these real tiny ants. I can’t use bug spray cause of my dogs and cat. So this will be perfect!
    Jody Cowan recently posted..After Seeing 6 Doctors, I Still Don’t Have a DiagnosisMy Profile

  7. Always looking for ways to get rid of pests in an organic way.
    Thanks you for sharing this timely tip with us at TOHOT!

  8. This is a great tip. Thank you for sharing with us at #HomeMattersParty. We would love to have you again next week.


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    Say Goodbye To Pesky

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