Monkey Riding Dog at NFL Football Halftime Show

What in the world was the NFL thinking allowing this halftime spectacle to take place? It just looks ridiculous and there is no way it could have been good for the dog who had a saddle and a monkey on its back or for the monkey holding on for dear life. Who does this anymore anyway? If they wanted a … [Read more...]

Baby Hits Dog Repeatedly Parents Continue Filming Video #ParentingFAIL

I am sharing this video not because I think it is cute. Or because this has to be the most patient dog on the face of the planet. But because of what is going on in this video with the baby hitting the dog in the head and the parents (or whoever it is filming this) don't even bother to say "be … [Read more...]

Los Angeles Says Your Dog Can Only Bark for 10 Minutes at a Time

  The Los Angeles city court decided to solve the problem of dogs barking with the help of establishing a kind of a schedule for local dogs. From now on, Los Angeles dogs are allowed to bark incessantly for no longer than 10 minutes. Every minute more then the 10 minutes allowed will cost … [Read more...]

Would Your Dog Like to Participate in Search and Rescue

Have you ever considered working with your dog as a part of your local police as a volunteer Search and Rescue Team? Dorset Search Dogs in the UK would like to invite you to take part in a unique six-week course that will guide a you and your dog through the basic skills required to become a … [Read more...]

Video from No Blog Is an Island Session

A really unbelievable look at Social Media and why it is so important to get it right. … [Read more...]

Pet Store Will No Longer Sell Puppies

PJ’s Pets stores in Canada announced Tuesday that it will stop selling puppies as of September 1st and instead promote adoption a much more marketing friendly alternative. The company plans to promote adoption from animal shelters or humane societies. It has already adopted the policy in Atlantic … [Read more...]

Children Learn Respect and Understanding for Service Dogs and Those They Help

Autism Service Dogs of America’s Doggie Day Camp is celebrating its third year of teaching children 7 and older how to properly train a service dog while learning compassion for the children with disabilities who will eventually take the dogs home. During the week of camp, the children learn the … [Read more...]

Parkour Dog TreT in Moscow with Translation

Tret is an American Staffordshire Terrier who lives in the Ukraine he has unlimited energy and loves to play, run, jump, and fly with his friends. We catch up with Tret the dog during his visit to Moscow, Russia where he takes the streets by storm. With true celebrity status everyone wants to … [Read more...]

Piper the Puppy Newest Addition to Red Cross Disaster Teams

Piper the Puppy is the newest and cutest disaster relief item created by the Dallas Red Cross and currently being tested in Dallas, Texas and Tampa Florida. Donate a Piper yourself or go in with a  group. How Piper the Puppy Works You make a $100 donation to the American Red Cross-Dallas … [Read more...]

Book My Seizure Dog Written By 7 Year Old Tops Amazon Best Seller List

Seven Year old Evan Moss came up with the idea to write a book in order to raise money so he could have a Service Dog trained to alert to his seizures. The Book is called “My Seizure Dog” and was launched on Juky 1st. It has been on the top of the Amazon Best Sellers in Children's Health for several … [Read more...]

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