Afghanistan Stray Dogs Find Home in Canada

Spencer Sekyer was teaching street children in Kabul in the summer of 2010 when he was out for a walk and found a mother dog and her young puppies crying puppies outside his guesthouse. He picked up the puppies and took the mother dog to his school so they would have a roof over their head and be … [Read more...]

Bankrupt Harrisburg Trying to Find a Solution to Stray Dog Issue

  Harrisburg, Pennsylvania is basically bankrupt and the Humane Society that is supposed to be caring for the city's stray and loose dogs refuses to talk. Not only do they refuse to talk but the estimated 60 dogs a month they are supposed to be taking in is more like 30 according to the … [Read more...]

Ukraine Accused of Killing Stray Dogs Ahead of 2012 Euro Cup

  Both activist and regular everyday people are claiming that government agents are being paid to kill stray dogs in very inhumane ways. Supposedly they are using poisoned meat and injections to kill the dogs in the middle of the streets. The dogs are poisoned and tfor hours before … [Read more...]

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