Sometimes Dog Rescues Need to Help Other Animals

Paulding County Dog Warden doesn’t usually take in other animals in fact this is the first pig she has ever had to care for in the facility but Dog Warden Georgia Dyson did her best to make Bacon Bits, a 14-week-old pot bellied pig, at home during his brief stay. The pig came to the pound after an elderly resident called the dog pound to tell her she had been pig-sitting and the owners decided they didn’t want to take him back.

Ms. Dyson didn’t want to put the pig in one of the dog runs because she was concerned that since pigs rut (dig with their noses), he might pick up a dormant germ left behind by a former canine. So she put two dog crates together in a side room for his temporary home. They knew that they needed to find a rescue who has expireince with farm animals so they posted messages on various rescue group email lists trying to find a group to take him. Lisa Bartel, co-founder of Heritage Farms Animal Rescue in Liberty Center, picked up the 20-pound pig, who for now is about the same size as a beagle, Wednesday afternoon. Her group is experienced with farm animals, having taken in and adopted out not only pigs, but sheep, goats, horses, and llamas. She said they would care for the young pig until he was old enough to be neutered and then put him up for adoption. The group says though that little bacon bits who will grow up to be about 125lbs and needs to be somewhere that understands his needs.

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  1. Kolchak & Jodi says

    PIGGY! I have always wanted a pot bellied pig. They have one of those teacup pig breeder/rescue only a short 8 hours from my house. I even had plans drawn to show my other half how we could turn an area in our basement that leads out in our yard into a piggy run & wallowing spot. **le sigh** He has NOT signed on yet, but he will…oh yes he will.

  2. Long Island Basements says

    OMG that’s the cutest piggy!snort snort honk honk!

  3. *sigh* I don’t know what makes me more sad, the fact that the people just dumped a pig on an old woman or the comments here.

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