Puppy Training Tips with the Disney Buddies – Stay

Disney Buddies Teaching your puppy to stay

For those of you who love the Disney Buddy movies you are in luck Disney’s “Treasure Buddies” is available on Blu-ray & DVD Combo Pack and Digital on January 31!!!! This movie looks like so much fun and I am super excited to tell you that we will be giving away THREE copies of the movie really soon.

But today we are going to start the journey to begin to socialize and train your puppy with none other then the cute and wiggly Disney Buddies themselves. It is so important to start training and socializing your puppy right away no matter what size they are. They will surprise you how smart they are and how quickly they are willing to learn (ok so they really just want to please you and get praise but they do catch on quickly). Today’s training video features Budder Ball with his trainer learning the super important “STAY” command.


Animal Trainer April Mackin teaches you how to train your Buddy to stay.


Be sure to keep your training session with young puppies short and fun like a game. This way they don’t get bored and ignore your commands. You want to be able to praise your puppy for good behavior and paying attention.

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  1. Enjoyed the posted article

  2. This is so cute…and so important. We started training our dog when he was very small, and it’s paid off big time. He’s such a great dog, and it makes it so much easier to be a pet owner when you have a well-trained dog. I grew up with 6 dogs who were never trained. Oh my lord! I have no idea how my mother survived!

    I’m here via the Moms with Voices Media Hop, btw. 🙂

  3. Cute puppy, much more fun to play with a puppy that has been trained.

  4. This dog is so cute.

    Here’s another one I recommend for the twolittlevalaiers readers…

  5. This puppy is so cute but back to the article, My dog is a min pin and very hyper so any tips you can give are wonderful because I heard these types dogs are hard to train.


  1. […] Puppy Training Tips with the Disney Buddies – Stay […]

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