San Fransisco to Ban Goldfish Sales

San Fransisco has said that is trying to discourage ‘impulse buys’ of hamsters and other small pets from pet stores that often end up dumped at animal shelters. But now they are targeting the sale of fish. I could maybe understand the thinking behind it if they banned the sale of fighting fish or sharks or something specific with an obvious reason. Animal control in San Fransisco has decided that the fish sold in stores somehow add to the pet overpopulation problem and overcrowding in shelters. I honestly have never heard of a fish at a shelter and didn’t realize they were creating such a problem that the city wants to ban the sale of them.

Even members of the city’s council think this is a ridiculous proposal and can see its defeat. So why bother spending tax payer money on something so small when there are so many better causes Animal Control could get behind. Like banning the sale of puppies at stores or a TNR for cats to stop the over population. But apparently the city is known for its crazy ideas as it was proposed several years ago that they put birth control in the bird seed sold in the city in order to curb the pigeon population.

If you were considering getting you child a fish to teach them responsibility of feeding the fish and helping to clean its bowl you might want to pick up the fish soon before 25 cent goldfish become illegal to sell.

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  1. Everyone’s focusing on the goldfish, which are an afterthought addition to a proposed law focused primarily on mammals bred in in mill conditions.

    As for the addition of the fish, rrom the article: “”Most fish in aquariums are either mass bred” under inhumane conditions “or taken from the wild,” commission member Philip Gerrie said. That leads to “devastation of tropical fish from places like Southeast Asia,” he said.”

    It’s not about goldfish winding up in shelters. That doesn’t mean it’s a good law, but can we at least conduct the discussion based on what they’re really proposing and their real stated reasons for it, and not Fox News propaganda?

  2. No Fox News propaganda. Haven’t read anything from Fox News all day actually.

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