Urban Animal Alliance

Members of Urban Animal Alliance

About Urban Animal Alliance – A Movement, Not A Moment

Many of the groups members come from the toughest ghettos in America they have witness first hand the I violent cycle of animal abuse and eventually dog fighting, that has never been properly addressed and that needs to be dealt with immediately. They are rappers, producers, songstresses who love animals and want to help show the communities they grew up in that it is not ok to fight dogs and abuse animals. That getting cheap thrills from torturing animals does not make them tough it makes them a coward.

The dream they envision:
We envision serving as a community resource for information on animal rights, bringing animal cruelty prevention programs to schools in urban American, motivating children and the communities in which they live to create a safer more compassionate environment for animals and children. We envision a world in which the animals of our community are treated with kindness, love and respect. a world which will help foster generations of positive, empowered, life-affirming children. A world in which it will be cool to be kind, not cruel.

Watch their video:

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  1. Hip Hop Hurray!!!!!

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