Wordless Wednesday; The Haunting Image

In the numerous posts that I have written about Japan in the past few weeks I have spent a lot of time going through pictures and survivor accounts and new reports of what is going on. There is not a single image that I have seen that has effected me in the way this one has.

An image of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel tied up outside of an Evacuation Shelter several days after the Earthquake and Tsunami because no dogs are allowed inside and its owners weren’t leaving it behind. There is a water bowl and what looks like a bag of dry food and a soft blanket for the dog to sleep on so this dog is being cared for. It looks like there might even be a blanket on the side of the picture for its owner to sleep on or rest on next to their dog.

It’s just thought provoking because it is something I would never do but what if there was no choice? Would I tie the girls up outside and put my blanket down next to them and live on the street because we had no where else to go? Or at least no way to get there in the short term?

I promise Wordless Wednesday pictures of the girls will be back next week.

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  1. Anonymous says

    I feel bad for this baby and its Mama for even having to make the choice. I would stay with my 3 Cavs – no matter what but I cannot judge others who may need the help inside the shelter. As you point out, there is water and a blanket, this baby is loved.

  2. Heartbreaking… people are having to make terribly difficult choices. I'm glad that it seems like this little one is still being cared for and loved, even if it's not under ideal circumstances.

  3. So very sad. I hope I'm never in this situation but if it happened the kids would stay with me unless I could be sure they would be happier and safer with someone else.

  4. So sad, the toll on everyone there is awful.And the pets are suffering too.

  5. CHo Meir says

    I have an emergency pack: Pop tent, sleeping bag, water and MRE's(Meals Ready to Eat), cat food, disposable litter box, always packed and ready to go (former Military). On the chance that in an emergency I am able to get to my emergency pack and my cats I would load them up in their stroller and take all of that to the shelter. I could not leave them and would absolutely sleep with them outside in the case that the shelter would not let them enter.

  6. I have often wondered the same thing. What would I do? I know I could not leave my pets behind. This is just heartbreaking.

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