Muddy Paws – Blueberry Dog Treats #recipe #blueberries

Muddy Paws Blueberry Dog Treats

Muddy Paws Blueberry Dog Treats

These Muddy Paw Blueberry Dog Treats are fun to make and share with your dog. Your dog will come running as the smell of the cooking Blueberries fills the house. Blueberries are considered a canine Super food because of all of the amazing health benefits this small little fruit contains. Blueberries can help in rebuilding cells after a hard workout as well as helping to keep your dog’s heart as healthy as possible. Because Blueberries are high in Vitamins and low on calories they can help your dog lower overall calorie intake. In this case the blueberries are being used in a treat and any treat should be offered in moderation. Treats should not be a large portion of your dog’s overall caloric intake for the day but used as an occasional treat these will rank high up on your dog’s list of favorites.

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Muddy Paws Blueberry Dog Treats
Making your own Dog Treats is a great way to bond with your dog. Your dog will smell the yummy goodness cooking in the oven long before you do and will be so excited when he or she finds out they are dog treats special for them.
Cuisine: Dog Friendly
Recipe type: Dog Treats
Cook time: 
Total time: 
  • Ingredients:
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons honey
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1½ cups blueberries (more or less as needed) Depending on the season you can use fresh blueberries or frozen and thawed.
  1. Preheat the oven to 325°F.
  2. Whisk together the water, eggs, and honey until thoroughly combined.
  3. Slowly add the liquid mixture to the flour, stirring gently to mix until a dough forms.
  4. Pull off pieces of dough, roll them into a ball between your hands, and place them on a greased baking sheet with room to expand. Place blueberries on top of the cookies in a paw pattern and press lightly to cement them in the dough.
  5. Bake at 325°F for 22-25 minutes, or until lightly browned.
  6. Cool completely before serving.

Blueberry Dog Treats

Let us know if you decide to try this recipe and make these Homemade Blueberry Dog Treats!

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  1. I definitely plan to make these, first, for my own dog. If they’re as good as they look, I’ll bring them to a fun dog swim meet at the end of the month. My dog will be so popular! Thanks for sharing this.

  2. Oh those look so yummy! We are starting to get blueberries in our store so we just may try them! Thanks! Love Dolly

  3. They look yummy!!
    Lauranne recently posted..I forgot.My Profile

  4. They look great, I bet Mom will let me make them this summer!
    Emma recently posted..Bailie is turning one today! Happy Birthday Little Sis!My Profile

  5. Maureen McDonnell says

    Hi Felissa,
    Thanks for the information you provided in our FB conversation ( auction to save the cavaliers) regarding printing. We are currently collecting recipes for two cook books, one for dog lovers and one for dogs. I have made this recipe many times for my babies and they love them. I’d like your permission to submit this recipe for the dog cookbook. I know it is posted on your blog and many people have seen it but credit for the recipe will be given to you.


  6. My cav, Cooper, goes crazy for blueberries, so I made him these cookies this morning. He LOVED them! Definitely going to be one of our regular treat recipes from now on! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  7. Did everything as stated, batter very sticky, no substance>>Any hints as to why>

  8. I made these for my two Aussie girls. I followed the recipe, but had to add 1/2-1 cup more of flour since my dough wasn’t forming into a ball. The consistency was really loose. Any idea what I may have done wrong? I used wheat flour. My girls enjoyed them but I will definitely like to make these again and hopefully get a better consistency so I can roll into a ball.

    • This was very very sticky even after adding another cup. I see couple others had same problem. But didn’t see a reply to their comments.
      So why so sticky?

  9. Adelaide says

    Ashley absolutely loves these, but I was wondering how long these treats store for?

  10. I made these treats for my dogs. The dough was very sticky and I had to add more flour. Then the cookies didn’t expand like it said it would. 😕 Any suggestions?? Thank- you.

  11. What kind of flour is used ?

  12. I made this recipe twice, once with whole wheat flour and once with all purpose flour, and neither worked. They never formed a dough ball at all they were just a sticky gooey mess and once I added more flour to make them at least hold their shape then they just became kinda hard and gross. Won’t make them again.

    • I am very sorry to hear that. This recipe has become a favorite of so many of our readers. Maybe try adding the water slowly sometimes humidity level can make a big difference as well as the size of the eggs being used.

  13. Melissa Storms says

    I am going to try these, I just picked a bunch of blueberries and plan to head into the woods for more tomorrow. I am so happy to have something blueberry to make for our puppy too.

  14. NanCy Mynatt says

    My grandmother d daughters said they tasted like blue berry pancakes

  15. This is a very cute idea however, the batter was very runny. I had to add an additional 2 cups of flour and it was still very sticky. Perhaps to much water in you recipe? I used whole wheat flour. And guys, these cookies won’t rise unless you add the necessary baking powder or baking soda or use a self rising flour.

  16. Can you tell me how many the recipe makes??

  17. I don’t know why my dough wouldn’t form I had to add more flour and that’s What they tasted like y?


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