Happy Aloha Friday

The way it works is you post a short question on your blog and link up each week at An Island Life the hostess of this event so others can come and visit your blog and answer your question. Everyone can post their own question just make sure to keep it family friendly.

Our question for you:
What do you eat for breakfast?

I have been having eggs for breakfast a lot lately well actually I should say for brunch because by the time I get around to making breakfast it is more like lunchtime. Sometimes I will make myself a Visalus Shake Pancake. When I make the pancake though the dogs go nuts and follow me so they can have a few bites too so it winds up not be as filling as it should be because I loose part of it to the dogs.

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  1. Stacy Uncorked says

    I'm terrible about eating breakfast – usually I have coffee and realize when I'm hungry that it's lunchtime! 🙂

    Aloha: Weather

  2. 90 Cal Bar.

  3. I am Harriet says
  4. Thrifty and Chic Mom says

    eggs, muffins or bagels

  5. Mostly oats with flax seed, wheat germ, cinnamon, sunflower seeds, nuts, fruit, honey.

    Sometimes yogurt with nuts and/or fruit.

    My Aloha Friday is HERE

  6. I don't often get breakfast between getting the kids off to school and then dealing with whatever crisis DH might be having with the family business. On most days I get a glass of milk to take my medication. On some days, when I'm lucky, I get a bowl of cereal. Sometimes I cheat and stop at McDonalds when I'm on errands and get some hash browns — I know they're bad for me but they taste oh so good! 🙂

  7. I usually have a vanilla protein shake with a piece of fruit in it.
    Happy Aloha Friday!

  8. JamericanSpice says

    I have a few different menu for breakfast each day.

  9. for me, coffee is a usual. having kids, I try to switch it up – pancakes w/ fruit, cereal, oatmeal, eggs & toast .. but whenever there is leftover pizza from the night before, they will always choose that!

  10. Normally I don't eat breakfast – which I know isn't good…but sometimes I have cereal or an egg

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