Blogger Burn Out and Analysis Paralysis

Blogger Burn Out is a real thing so is Analysis Paralysis.

I don’t mean Blogger Burn out from not having enough topics to write about or not being able to find the time in the day or even not wanting to Blog. I literally have dozens of posts in draft that I never felt were perfect enough to post. It could be that I think I didn’t have the right pictures to put with them or didn’t have time to edit them to make them ready for Social Media. It could be that didn’t feel like they were finished and ready to post. In the end I missed out on sharing information that probably could have helped someone care for their dog. Which made me feel worse and it has become harder and harder to dig out.

Analysis Paralysis – When Blogger Burn Out Pushes You Over the Edge

It is even worse when your job is to teach and help others learn how to do the very thing that you can’t seem to make happen yourself. Not because you can’t but because it has all gotten to be too much.

Blogger Burn Out Analysis Paralysis

The Overwhelm

Take tonight for instance I have 10 things I want to get done but I have decided that tonight is about me and breaking through the wall that is not letting me move forward. My promise to myself is that regardless of having the perfect image or this being in keeping with the theme of my Blog I will press the publish button. It will be my breakthrough that allows me to move forward and become the Blogger and Influencer that I can be.

I Made to Decision to get over the Analysis Paralysis

On Cyber Monday a friend that is a business coach sent out an offer to join her private coaching group for the month of December. The email started out “I bet your list of books you want to read in 2017 is a mile long.” She might be ok she is the reason why my list of books is a mile long. It went on to say “you have the belief that you can be, do and have anything and everything you want. But there is one incredibly large missing piece.”

Time to take action to get out of the rut

She knows I lurk and comment once in a while on the content she shares so how could this email she sent feel like it was speaking directly to me? I knew I needed to break through the walls and start to make things happen because there was no way I was going to be able to move forward and break down the barrier on my own. The promise of “a sisterhood focused on inspiration and making things happen.” Was exactly what I was looking for. I skimmed the email and said yes I think I want to do that. I even clicked through but didn’t take action. It took her going on Facebook Live with the offer for me to say I am taking action.

Needing a Push

Don’t think that meant I actually followed through at first. I saw the email come through with the private group info and was so overwhelmed at the time that I did nothing. Literally I waited until hours before the first Facebook Live to click the join button. I never made it to the first call and think I missed one today to.

Blogger Burn Out and Analysis Paralysis

Tonight is the night to end my Blogger Paralysis

I said tonight is the night that I start to work through the activities and start to journal. I decided that instead of using paper that I would use my Blog. That way I know that I am starting to get back on track. Yes there will be pictures of Davinia and Indiana in upcoming posts. I will even fill you in on what has been going on since this summer. It is not going to be pretty or have a lot of fancy images that are perfectly edited or cropped but my goal is that at the end I can make all of those things happen. I am not even going to go back and re-read this post. I know it is rambling but I just need to be able to press publish and start to make things happen.

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  1. My heart goes out to you! 2016 has been the “year from hell” for me in reference to “Blogger Paralysis” and soooooooooo many other things that have nothing to do with blogging. I never used to blog less than 3 days a week but this year it has happened numerous times. Hang in there….it WILL get better. Be easy on yourself (easy for me to say, eh?)

  2. I know those feelings of “Blogger Paralysis” well. Good for you for pressing publish. I’m working on this myself. I’m rooting for you!

  3. I can totally relate! I have days where I can’t seem to get things done because I am afraid they aren’t good enough.

    Keep up the good work!

  4. Wow, I totally know what you’re going through… I have almost 75 posts on dog food recalls sitting in my drafts folder, because I want to revisit the design of the pages (again).

    I found the best way to stay productive in this business is to detach how you value yourself from the quality of each post/page. I easily fall into the trap of thinking how my friends/family/wife/etc may perceive the quality of a post and thus how it would reflect on their thoughts of me.

    I think what is important is that you have taken so many steps already and are light years ahead of 95% of people who start this journey. Stay strong and keep at it!

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