Fleas: Myth vs Fact #SentinelSpectrum

Fleas: Myth vs Fact #SentinelSpectrum

I really wish I had known more about the flea lifecycle and the information I am about to share with you when I lived in Miami and had a flea infestation. I thought I was doing everything right but it turns ut I wasn’t really stopping the eggs, larvae or pupae from developing into fleas.

Between vacuuming and bathing and treating multiple times a month with several products you would have thought the fleas would have been gone quickly. But in reality I was doing nothing to stop new adult fleas from emerging. It was a horrible, disgusting, nasty situation that I hope I can prevent you from ever having to experience.

Disclosure This post Fleas: Myth vs Fact has been written on behalf of SENTINEL SPECTRUM

We all think that by protecting our dogs from fleas with whatever product happens to be on the most recent tv commercial that we are doing the right thing. But not all protection is the same. It all boils down to the lifecycle of a flea. You know the saying if you see one flea your dog is likely infested? That thought is great but it stops there and doesn’t go on to explain why that is likely the case.

Only 5% of the flea population is in the adult stage!

That means the other 95% of fleas on your dog or in your environment are invisible unless you know what to look for or what you are looking at. Not only can they be on your dog in these other 3 stages but they can hide in your carpet or under the couch or in your pet’s bedding or even your bedding!

Flea Developement Pyramid

The Facts About Fleas:

Fleas develop in 4 stages so unless you stop the cycle quickly you are looking at months of thinking you are doing everything possible to get rid of the flea problem only to be throwing money in the garbage. The four stages are Egg, Larvae, Pupae, and Adult.

  • A single adult can lay 25 – 50 eggs per day. A flea egg hatches within 2 – 5 days.
  • The flea larvae emerges and eats flea dirt (that dried blood excrement of adult fleas).
  • The next stage is the pupae where it can survive for up to a year before finding a suitable host.
  • Adult Flea and now the cycle starts all over again. Egg production in an adult flea begins within 20 to 24 hours of females taking their first blood meal (biting your dog).

How is SENTINEL SPECTRUM different: Is not light sensitive. Because Sentinel Spectrum delivers protection via a chew it cannot be washed off and is evenly distributed throughout the pet’s system. Lufenuron a unique ingredient found in SENTINEL Brand Productsincluding SENTINEL SPECTRUM, prevents fleas from developing into adults. Lufenron is not light sensitive. Because Sentinel Spectrum delivers protection via a chew it cannot be washed off and is evenly distributed throughout the pet’s system.

Lufenron stops flea eggs and flea larvae from developing into an adult flea targeting the majority of the flea problem thus preventing re-infestation and preventing infestation before it starts.

Adult fleas taking their Blood Meal are biting your dog making them itchy and uncomfortable. Your dog will scratch or rub themselves against a semi rough item in your home or against the bark of a tree to try and get rid of the itch. When they have had enough they groom themsleves and try to eliminate the culprit Adult fleas can carry tapeworm and by ingesting them your dog can become infected.

Facts about Tapeworm

  • Dogs can contract tapeworm from ingesting fleas during self grooming
  • Dogs can contract tapeworm from ingesting fleas in response to a flea bite
  • Dogs can contract tapeworm from ingesting a dead animal
  • Tapeworm infections are usually diagnosed by finding segments which appear as small white worms.
  • Small white worms can appear on the rear end of your dog, in your dog’s feces, or where your dog lives and sleeps.

Praziquantel another active ingredient in SENTINEL SPECTRUM works by eliminating the tapeworms’ ability to prevent digestion by it’s host (your pet). Therefore, they disintegrate and become absorbed into your pet’s body. With the addition of praziquantel on a monthly basis any adult fleas that might ingest tapeworm eggs and in tern get eaten by your dog during regular grooming will not have the ability to make your dog sick.

Sentinel Spectrum Protects Against Heartworm, Fleas, Tapeworm, Hookworm, Whipworm, and Roundworm

The active ingredients in SENTINEL SPECTRUM Lufenron, Praziquantel, and Milbemycin together help protect your dog against the six most common parasites found in dogs:

  • Heartworm
  • Fleas
  • Tapeworm
  • Roundworm
  • Hookworm
  • Whipworm

Ask your veterinarian if SENTINEL® SPECTRUM® is right for your dog so that you can protect them against parasites year round.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Virbac® SENTINEL® SPECTRUM®. The opinions and text are all mine.

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  1. Thanks for the great information.

    Abby T. Lab (Mostly flea free since 2013).

  2. I never knew that only 5% of fleas were adults. It really gives me some peace of mind to see a product out there that could help me and my dog if this ever becomes an issue.

  3. Great information! There are many things that I didn’t know. Now I can deal with all the issue come from those tapeworm and help my dog.

  4. Oh my… Thanks for this post! It really scared me 🙁

  5. I am going to send this to my son’s girlfriend that have cavaliers.
    Thanks for sharing this

  6. What a cute puppies 🙂 Love them 🙂

  7. Nice to meet you Davinia and Indiana ! Good info. I Think most of dog skin problems happen because of Fleas.
    Dog Skin Problems recently posted..Tibetan Mastiff Dogs Photo CollectionMy Profile

  8. Thanks for such an informative article. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve spoken to who’ve told me their dog only has a couple of fleas. I try and explain but you know how it is!! I’m afraid I have too much experience with fleas. It seems every time I bring a dog home they’re covered. I always manage to de-flea my home and dogs, but my more recent adoptee proved to be quite the challenge. I lost count of how many chemical and natural products I used, and nothing worked, that is until I tried the Soresto collar. I don’t know what it is but he seemed to be immune. Thankfully I finally found something that worked.

  9. Great insight, I have a dog and a cat and between the 2 of them they are always sharing their fleas and its an ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE dealing with it.

    One thing I have observed is that my dog seems to be infested with fleas more so than my cat — I wonder if there is an sort of correlation?
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