How to Prepare Your Dog for the Holidays Part 1

How to Prepare Your Dog for the Holidays Part 1

This post is part one of a 3 part series. Be sure to read the entire series by using the links at the bottom of this post!

Tips to Keep Your Dog Stress Free This Holiday Season. How to Prepare Your Dog for the Holidays Part 1

The holidays are a joyous time to spend with family and friends. But during the hustle and bustle of the season, don’t forget about your four legged family members as well. All of the sensory changes that occur in the holiday season can lead to stress, anxiety, and even health issues if you aren’t careful. Take a peek below at some helpful tips on how to prepare your dog for the holidays and keep him happy and safe.

1. Preserve routines.
During the holidays you may have guests coming and going as well as adjusted hours at work. Be sure to keep your same routines down as much as possible. Your dog will appreciate the consistency.

2. Plan quiet time.
The holidays are full of music and cheer, which can all startle and stress your dog. Be sure to enjoy quite walks and cuddle time together if she gets over stimulated.

3. Talk to your vet about anxiety solutions.
If you plan on having guests or engaging in activities that you know will send your dog into a state. The first step would be to decide if the activity is necessary. If it is find a quiet dark room that your dog to stay in to avoid the crowd and hustle and bustle. If you know that nothing helps you should speak with your vet about anxiety solutions. Don’t make your pet suffer if there is something out there that can help.

4. Give them sanctuary.
Make sure your dog has access to his own private space at all times. Dogs should have a sanctuary to go to when the sights and sounds of the holiday season overwhelm them.

5. Don’t forget the water.
Increased heat indoors as well as the various stressors of the season can lead to dry mouth. Be sure there is plenty of fresh water on hand at all times.

Give these tips a try and you can enjoy a healthier and happier season with your dog. Want to learn more? Stay tuned for part two in this series of how to prepare your dog for the holidays.

This is a three part series. Make sure to check out our holiday pet safety tips in the next two posts as well!
Post 2
Post 3

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  1. Part 1 of this post is something a lot of people don’t think about during the crazy holiday chaos. Great ideas to prevent possible stress related aggression.
    Elaine recently posted..Got Husky? – Getting to Know Some of the Best Pet BloggersMy Profile


  1. […] This is post two of a three part series called How to Prepare Your Dog for the Holidays! We want you and your dog to be able to enjoy the Holidays instead of it being a time of stress. If you missed post 1 make sure to go back and check it out! […]

  2. […] In order to keep your dog as safe and stress free as possible please check out Post Number One Tips to Keep Your Dog Stress Free This Holiday Season. Post Number two talks about decorating with your Dog’s safety in […]

  3. […] we leave we wanted to share these Tips for Keeping Your Dog Stress Free This Holiday Season! It is an important read if your dog gets stressed out when people come over or there are loud […]

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