Pet Safety – Flash Flood Safety

Pet Safety – Flash Flood Safety

With Pet Safety Month going on here at Two Little Cavalier today’s post was going to be Fireworks Safety but we have posted about it before and while it is a real issue for some dogs others are not bothered by them at all. And most dogs really just want to be inside with their owners and having their own special little celebration. Break out the BBQ making sure to keep our BBQ Safety Tips in mind and have a quiet night at home with your dogs inside and only out on a leash in case a firework cracks overhead at a very inopportune moment.


Flash Flood Safety Tips


Why Flash Flood Safety Tips instead? Most of the South is under flash flood warnings this weekend and since it is not a topic covered often I thought I would take the opportunity to help you keep your family and pets safe.

The first thing to do when there is a flash flood warning is to bring in your pets from outside. Even if they are in a securely fenced yard and have a place to sleep out of the rain the ground will become soaked very quickly and your dogs and cats  might not be able to access dry ground.  Don’t leave them outside. So far today here in the Georgia Mountains we have had rain, thunder and lighting, as well as some hail.

When you are on flat land you generally have more of a warning about flash flooding. You know it has been raining for a while and the ground has not had a chance to soak up the extra moisture and bodies of water in the area have been creeping closer and closer to going over the banks. When you are in the mountains like most of the area under flash flood safety warnings this can happen in a matter of minutes especially when everything is already pretty moist to begin with. In the mountains the water wants to find the fastest way down which means that peaceful waterfalls are raging white water rapids. That mulitple meandering streams that empty into a pond are gushing down water as fast as they can all into a small pond that will not take long to overflow from the force and amount of the water.

Flash Flood Safety means that the simple act of driving in your car from your home to a friend’s home to get together to hang out can become deadly. The water no longer flowing out of the mountains is now pouring out of the mountains jumping banks and overflowing ponds which leads to water flowing onto streets ad highways creating what looks to be shallow puddles but could be several inches deep.

  • Six inches of water will reach the bottom of most passenger cars causing loss of control and possible stalling.
  • A foot of water will float many vehicles
  • Two feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles including SUV’s and pick-ups.

Except for heat related fatalities, more deaths occur from flooding than any other natural hazard. Most people fail to realize the power of water. For example, six inches of fast-moving flood water can knock you off your feet imagine what it could do to your dogs or cats.

  • Nearly half of all flash flood fatalities are vehicle-related,
  • The majority of victims are males, and
  • Flood deaths affect all age groups.

The most important thing you can do for yourself and your pets is to stay indoors unless absolutely necessary.
Be sure that if you do take your dogs out that they are on a leash and their collar has an easily readable tag with your contact information in case something happens.

  • Don’t let your dog out in the yard without supervision.
  • If you have to go out make sure that your pets have access to fresh water and a snack before you leave as you might be stuck out longer then expected if flash flooding does occur.
  • If possible especially if you are in area prone to flooding set up an indoor potty station until the storms pass and you can safely take your dog outside.

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  1. This is something that I think most humans really underestimate! Just a bad rain storm can cause it and also cause unnecessary deaths and injuries. Water is fun but it is so very dangerous too! Always respect it!
    emma recently posted..4th of July Snacks For Everyone | GBGVMy Profile

  2. Jessica Sala says

    Great post! We are having some flooding up here in CT too and general flood safety is always great!

  3. Fantastic post! Most people don’t realize how fast flood waters will move, and how even what seems like the smallest amount of water can result in serious damage and even fatalities. More people should be informed. Many of the deaths are preventable.

  4. Important information, thanks for sharing.
    Sand Spring Chesapeakes recently posted..Wordless Wednesday ~Keep Pet’s CoolMy Profile

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