Dog Escapes from Thieves Twice

Sarge Dog who escaped thieves twice

2-year-old Sarge the English Bull Dog was stolen on Aug. 3 from Oklahoma National Guard Phillip Ortiz’s home along with some electronics. Ortiz who has raised Sarge since he was a puppy was in shock that someone would take his dog who is basically his child. He called the police who investigated the incident put up flyers and told everyone he knew in case anyone knew who had taken Sarge. He even involved local news stations to get information about his stolen dog to as many people as possible.

Ten days later, the police called to let him know they had found the two men who had stolen his electronics and would be returning it to him his dog was no where to be found. Police were unaware that Sarge had already escaped his captors once and had been re-stolen from another family and escaped again before police caught up with them.

Sarge isn’t an escape artist at home so the fact that he escaped twice is unbelievable to Ortiz. The first time Sarge escaped, he was discovered by four neighborhood children who took him home with them and cared for him because it was so hot outside. The same thieves who had stolen the dog from Ortiz’s home then burglarized Sarge’s foster home, taking him once again. Sarge wanted nothing to do with the thieves and found his way back to the kids who had taken him in and cared for him.

For whatever reason the thieves were so set on having this dog that they approached the mother of the children, telling her that the dog belonged to one of their dead grandmother’s. Knowing something was very not right she asked for proof that they owned the dog which they could not produce and so refused to let them have him.

Several days after that incident, the children who were caring for the English Bull Dog came across the flyers Ortiz had posted and brought one to their mother, who contacted the soldier.

Ortiz considers the children Sarge’s hero and his hero for caring so much about the dog that they took it in and cared for.

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  1. Great story!!! Sarge is a good boy…

  2. Two French Bulldogs says

    what a crazy story
    Benny & Lily

  3. That is one smart dog! And very stupid criminals. Thank goodness for the caring family. I can only imagine the anguish Phillip was going through. If my dogs were lost or stolen, I don’t know what I’d do. But thankfully there are some good people out there. ❤

  4. He knew where he belonged. And thank goodness for the kids. They are definitely being raised to care about others.
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