Thailand Flood Victims Not Leaving their Dogs and Cats Behind

Care for Dogs Foundation Chiang Mai Thailand


Thailand is facing its worst Flood in recorded history right now which means regions that were never supposed to flood that the government said could not flood are now underwater. With little to no time to pack up their belongings many people are only able to leave with the close on their back and their pets in their arms. If they are lucky they have some sort of boat to help transport them out of the area and can take a few more items but in most cases people are waiting for the military to come and rescue them.



In the central region of Thailand, several animal rescued teams have been set up and are going out to get as many animals as possible. The teams have gathered volunteer and are asking for vehicles from anyone they can find in order to get as close as possible to the flood zones and once they are there they are renting boats to get into the flooded area in order to help rescue dogs and cats in need.


This disaster is taking a big toll on both the citizens and government of Thailand and in fact is effecting all creatures living here not just humans. There are people who are putting their own loses aside and are finding the courage and energy to help those creatures who cannot help themselves.




There is information available in order to make donations in country but I know that the cost of wire transfers to foreign banks makes donating in this way completely impossible. I will do what I can to see if we can find another way to help out or if we can find any US organizations that are going over or who have left for Thailand already.

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  1. mixedhouse says

    Nice shot! Please tell me, where the third photo come from? I would like to reference the photo in the newspaper, hope to contact with the photographer. Thanks a lot.

    • I don’t know where it came from. The picture has been circulating around the internet and all over Facebook.

  2. Thanks.



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