Military Dog Injured in Explosions

Photo courtesy of Corporal Andy Reddy RLC/PA Wire (limited use)


Hobo is a part of the 29th Commando Royal Artillery his job is to sniff out explosives on the front line in Afghanistan. On July 21st in a Taliban ambush in Afghanistan Hobo was seriously injured. He was hit by shrapnel from four grenades thrown into a compound that his team was forced to seek cover in. Insurgents continued their attack with small arms fire and rocket propelled grenades.

Four of those grenades came flying over the compound wall and landed where the team was taking cover. Hobo, who is trained to lay flat on the ground during an attach so as not to draw attention to himself or his team was doing as he was trained. Laying on the ground waiting for the attack to end he was hit with razor sharp shards of metal in the neck stomach, and back. Some fragments were so hot they cauterized two of his injuries immediately while another piece cut straight through his neck and left him bleeding heavily. The fact that 2 of his wounds were sealed by the metal made it so that there wasn’t more massive blood loss or fatality.

A blood clotting agent was administered, a field dressing was used to to stem the bleeding and protect from infection on the ground, and pressure was applied to try and stop the bleeding. His team members say Hobo remained calm throughout the attack and on ground emergency care and just stood there while his team treated him. His team was really worried about his because they could not explain what happened and that he would be ok and he is a part of their family so the worry was even greater. Many of the men in the unit have dogs they left behind when they went off to war so they feel a special bond with Hobo.

Just 10 days after the attack and Hobo’s injuries he is feeling well enough and has been cleared for return to active duty sniffing out explosives on the front line. I am sure his unit will be glad to have him back and healthy.


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  1. So happee it was a good ending
    Benny & Lily

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