From Phoebe’s Foster Family:
Phoebe is the perfect little Cavalier! She is 5-6 years old, very small at only 12 lbs. but that doesn’t stop her from hanging with the bigger dogs at all! She has been debarked, but every once in a while we’ll hear a little squeak come from her.
She worked her way into all of our hearts from the minute we brought her home. She likes being around other dogs (we have no cats so I can’t test that possibility, but based on her personality I think she would do well them also), but I think she would also do fine as an only child; her main goal in life to be in your lap or at your side. She is extremely adaptable, and while she tends to pull back a little when approached she will eagerly come to you for as much affection as she can beg from you! And within a day or two the shyness will dissipate and she will allow you to come to her as well. She has no fear of men, children or strangers; she genuinely loves people and to be paid attention to. She learned very quickly how to use the doggie door, and only rarely has an accident inside.
Overall, she has the sweetest, most tender little personality, the family that adopts her will cherish her for life!
Lucky Star Rescue where Phoebe is currently being fostered rescues puppy mill dogs. They take in Cavaliers from Mill busts, hoarding situations and they make no secret about the fact that they will pay at auction to get a dog out of the mill situation. Whether or not you agree with this the dogs are no long in the horrible situation and can now get the medical care, love, and attention that all dogs need. Their fosters tend to be much more long term then an owner turn in because they have to help them learn to become pets something they have never experienced before in their lives.
A Letter from Lucky Star Cavalier Rescue about their dogs available for adoption.
Dear Friends:
Please take a moment to read this before you hit the application button below. It will be very difficult for you to look at the faces of the rescues on these pages, and not want to take them all home with you. These babies have spent their entire lives in the miserable environment of puppy mills. All have been neglected, and many have been mistreated. We all feel their pain, and want them to enjoy the simple pleasures of a dog’s life.
If your family desires a warm, cuddly, affectionate, housetrained, playful, happy pet, and you want that temperament when you first bring the dog home, then a puppy mill rescue dog is NOT the dog for you.
The dogs you see on these pages know nothing about being a beloved pet, or companion, or playmate. These dogs have lived in wire cages, eaten poor quality food, been forced to share their cages with many other dogs, never had the proper medical care, and have never known the human touch of affection and kindness. They are used to lying in their own excrement, and the excrement of other dogs that share the same fate. Not only will these dogs bring tremendous housetraining challenges, they will also challenge your patience and commitment as you attempt to integrate them into your family life.
For the Full Letter