Man Killed Pet Prairie Dog – Doesn’t Want Animals Near His Child

Pedro Godales, 26 from Davie, Florida, was arrested Monday for animal abuse. According to the police report he threw a cage containing two prairie dogs that were kept as pets against a wall and when one got free he  kicked it against the wall causing fatal trauma to its little body and eventually the animal died.   His girlfriend is 3 months pregnant and he did not want any of the animals around when she gave birth to their baby. She on the other hand while having agreed to do so was waiting until the time got closer to get rid of the animals the two Prairie Dogs and a Canine.

The girlfriend who only gave her first name to police told police that Godales after kicking the Prairie Dog said “It got what it deserved” and then ran from the house. The girlfriend told police that Godales had punished the animals in the past by spraying  them in the face with Lysol. The judge has ordered Godales to not go to his girlfriends house as he is not allowed near any animals while he awaits trial.

It troubling enough that he had a history of abusing the animals with a can of  Lysol when they did things he didn’t like and his girlfriend didn’t kick him out of the house. But to get pregnant with his baby and not believe that if their child did something bad that he would do something equally horrible to the child. First an animal abuser then a child abuser. I hope the court recognizes that fact when he goes to trial. It is sad that his girlfriend couldn’t see the warning signs earlier and have gotten rid of him.


Video of Godales’ being charged by the judge. He is currently being help on 7,500 bail while he awaits trial.

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  1. It ‘s important to remember that victims of abuse usually think they deserve it, that it was their fault. Why didn’t she kick him out of the house when he abused the animals? Because most likely, he’s already directly abusing her, and even if not, the violence against the animals was nevertheless a “lesson” to her, and she didn’t think she could do anything so defiant as kick him out. Or leave, for that matter.

  2. momma would like to do some thing to some buddy who kills praire dogs
    Benny & Lily

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