Dog Stuck on Roof Rescued by Firefighters

Rosie with her rescuer Michael Ippolito (photo by Second Assistant Chief John Ippolito Jr.)


This picture belongs as the cover of the Real Men Are Kind to Animals Calendar for 2012. Ok I don’t know if they have a calendar but they certainly have a Facebook page and this picture should be front and center.  A Firefighter saving a dog from the roof certainly deserves a major mention if nothing else.

Rosie the dog somehow came to find herself on the roof of the house on Bay Shore, Long Island. No one knows how she got herself up there but they believe she was there for about 2 hours before she could be rescued by some very friendly firefighters. Rosie’s parents are away and she was staying with a friend at the time. Firefighters were called to her rescue but having never rescued a dog off of a room before they weren’t sure how to go about the task but figured they would try to do it the same way they rescue cats out of trees and other precarious places. It obviously worked and Rosie was rescued from the roof by her new friends.

Lieutenant Ippolito got on the roof and pulled Rosie into his arms. He then passed Rosie to Firefighter Komoroski, who was waiting on the ladder to climb down to safety.

“Saw the dog, seemed pretty terrified, shaking. I went up, calmed the dog down. I just kind of put my hand out and let the dog smell me, and with that I just grabbed the collar and pulled her in,” Ippolito said.

Hopefully Rosie doesn’t make a regular game out of climbing onto the roof so her new friends can come a rescue her. But maybe she will be able to visit the Firefighters to say thank you. With the summer here lets use this as a reminder to make sure our dogs (and cats) can’t get to places they shouldn’t be like the roof of the house or in bodies of water if they don’t know how to swim. Take a good look around your house and make sure your pets can’t get into any mischief that would require the help of emergency personnel.

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  1. How scary! I’m glad that Rosie was rescued. (And I think that if Real Men Are Kind to Animals doesn’t have a calendar, they should get on that ASAP.)

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