We wrote for Simply Stacie

We are so excited to let you know that we wrote a Guest Post called  Keeping Your Pets Happy and Healthy During the Holiday Season for the amazing Blogger Simply Stacie! We think it is something you will all want to go and check out and show some comment love for.

Simply Stacie was one of the first Review and Giveaway Blogs I ever visited and still visit on a regular basis. I am a facebook fan and receive her daily emails. Over the past year her blog has quite literally exploded and I am in complete awe of Stacie for all of her hard work and innovative thinking. Not only does she hold her own events but she participates in other Bloggers events as well in fact she is going to be participating in the Giveaway Holiday Hop for Pets with a really nice product (for the cold weather) you will all want to make sure to check out when the time comes.

Since we are on the topic of Stacie’s Blog we teamed up with her (and several other fantastic bloggers) for an absolutely amazing giveaway which will be taking place in January. Seriously this is one you will NOT want to miss. Amazing does not even come close to how unbelievable this giveaway event will be lets just say you will need a PayPal account in order to claim your prize if you win.

Amazon Native Ads – Pet Supplies


  1. Simply Stacie says

    Thank you for your guest post! It was wonderful to have you on my blog. I appreciate you giving a shout out to your readers.

    You should see the prizes I have now for the Pet Event- I can't wait to show everyone!

    The January event is going to be rockin'!!! Can't wait till we all make the announcement in December.

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