Blog-A-Thon Highlights

I really need to get back to work on the holiday Giveaway Hop for Pets but I don’t want to neglect all of you today either so I figured I would post some of the highlights of the event for those of you who missed it over the weekend.

Here is a link to check out all 24 of our posts where we featured Special Needs Animals looking for homes.We really had some of everything and would greatly appreciate any tweets or Facebook shares of these animals. Together we can find them all perfect home.

The first Blogger I want to talk about is Dr. V she is the one who created the event in 2009 and asked for others to join her this year in taking on the challenge. We were all blogging, tweeting, and communicating via Facebook for 24 hours straight. It was a lot of fun to really get to know the other Bloggers many of whom I have met at BlogPaws but had never had the chance to really have a conversation with them.Dr. V’s big event within the Blog-A-Thon is as she calls it the cooking section. I was a little apprehensive that she was going to be eating cat food this year after her dog food taste testing last year. But she surprised us all with eating cat litter. No I am not kidding she really ate cat litter. Ok it was a brand new bag and the litter is made from corn so technically it is edible it is just the concept of eating it that is sort of nauseating. But she did it and it didn’t look all the horrific when she was done cooking with it.

Iron Chef Pawcurious 

There there was the husband and wife team of Dr. Laci and Dr. Jed of both veterinarians. I really loved a few of their posts throughout the day. But I think the one that has the biggest lesson for all of us is Just Keep and Eye on it reminding us to take care of the things we can in our pets and to make sure they are as healthy as possible. It is also a great example of why it is so important that if you are going to get a new dog from a Breeder to make sure that the breeder does all genetic testing necessary for your breed of choice in order to make sure they are producing the healthiest possible offspring.

1st completed work during Blog-A-Thon

I hope you are all familiar with BZTAT’s work she is a Pet Community Artist. Her contribution to the Blog-A-Thon was to paint for 24 hours straight. The first piece she created was my favorite of the entire event but there were some really cute pieces you should check out. She is auctioning off all the pieces she created during the event for Charity. I think she had it the hardest out of all of the participants because she had to be creating. She was the one who got to have company while painting Bunny Jeans mom gave her time as BZTAT’s assistant.

The next Blogger is the the Guide to Veterinary Medicine on writer she has written about veterinary medicine, pets and vet news since 1999. I met Dr. Janet at BlogPaws West for about a split second. I was excited to have gotten to know her a bit more as a result of the Blog-A-Thon. She made a table of contents for her Blog-A-Thon post which can be found here.

Now its time to get back to work. I will do a part two to this post in a day or so. For now enjoy the Artwork and the Blog Posts that were created during Blog-A-Thon.

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