Happy 5th Birthday Indiana!

about 4 weeks old
9 weeks old
About 3 months old

5 months old
Getting ready for a show 11 months old

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  1. Happy birthday, Indiana! We hope you have a wonderful day filled with all the things you love!

  2. Happee Birthday!!
    Benny & Lily

  3. Happy Birthday!! The cake is adorable!

  4. Felissa Hadas says

    lol totally didn't see that there was a number on the cake when I chose it. Pretend it is just an upside down 5.


    Best Wishes for all that a doggie could ever want!

    Love you!

  6. Elyse and Riley says

    Happy birthday! Cute cake and I must say a mighty cute dog as well! 🙂

    Elyse and Riley

  7. Two Little Cavaliers says

    Before we start any rumors. Indiana is not actually getting that cake I found it online and thought it was cute. She is going to get to try some new cookies we are reviewing though and maybe I will make them a special dinner tomorrow night.

  8. Happy birthday! Oh, how you have grown! You are older than me (I'm two), but you are still a puppy at heart like me. 🙂

    Have a wonderful day and year to come Indiana!!!

    That cake looks good, but since you are not having it, I won't mention how yummy it looks… you get a special dinner and cookies too! Lucky you!

    Birthday cuddles and licks,
    Love Miley xxx

  9. Bree, Home of Blogmania says

    Is it sad that cake looks better than anything I have served my children for their birthdays :)- those are some loved pups! Happy Birthday!

  10. Happy birthday and keep up the great work helping mommy with her blog. I wish you many more years of health, happiness and fun. Take care.

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