Nylabone #Fail Chocolate Flavor Bones?

Dear Nylabone,

What is the world were you thinking creating a Chocolate Flavor Dog Bone? Why would you want dogs to smell chocolate which is highly toxic to them and think it is a chew bone. When Indiana was a Puppy we owned all sorts of shapes and sizes of your chewbones we even found new shapes when we moved to Hong Kong and she got those as well. They were her favorite because she could get her teeth into them and not hurt herself or be eating an extra meal because of it. Unfortunately she is no longer all that interested in your non edible bones (she does like your edible ones though). Sometimes she will forget herself and I will find her with one of her old bones I think she has several under the bed. 

Then today I walk into the pet store to waste a few minutes waiting for something and there staring right at me is a three pack of bones and right in the middle is chocolate flavor? I am still scratching my head over the person who came up with the idea of creating a chocolate bone and the person who approved it. I hear wanting to create new flavors so that dogs don’t get sick of the same one. Or flavors for dogs who can’t have meat but chocolate? Why couldn’t you create a Carob one? There is nothing toxic about carob for dogs. Even if there is no cocoa in these chew bones I just really do not understand why you would make a chocolate flavor. Unless of course the packaging was supposed to say carob and there was a mix-up?

I just don’t think this was a very thought out idea on the companies part. We would love to hear from you though in response to this blog post because like I said I am still scratching my head over this one and I am sure other people are as well.


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  1. Lis Carey says

    This is really quite–startling. Nylabone doesn't have more sense than this?

  2. Felissa Hadas says

    My thoughts exactly Lis. Which is why I wrote this open letter and posted on my blog in hopes that it would come to the powers that be at Nylabone and they will respond.

  3. Ok, I know this post is ancient, but I was actually searching for some nylabones and I saw this. You might think it’s stupid and you might think whatever else, but out of that three pack, there is one that both of my dogs love more than anything and it’s the chocolate flavored bone! They think it’s the best thing ever. I’m not a dog, so I’m not about to see how it tastes to validate whether it actually tastes like chocolate, but you’re totally wrong, this is not a fail, this is a great success. I wish I could buy a three pack of just chocolate flavor, because they’ll settle for the chicken one, but they can’t get enough of the chocolate nylabone.

    • Chocolate is toxic to dogs. Why would you want to give them any sort of toy or treat that smells or tastes like it? What happens if you leave a chocolate bar out and your dogs eat it because they think it is for them? Or they get into the pantry and manage to get the top off of the coco powder will you have enough time to get them to the vet?

  4. Beth Whitesell says

    Yes, chocolate is toxic to dogs…that’s why you don’t leave it laying around where they can get to it. Even if they’ve never had a chocolate flavored Nylabone, they’re still going to go for chocolate if they smell it. My dogs are allowed to have carob chip cookies from the pet store as an occasional treat, and they love them. I’ve been looking for a chocolate Nylabone for that very reason. People, instead of getting all up in the air over this, just take responsibility for you pet’s safety, and everything will be okay.

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