Are Corn Mazes Dog Friendly?

Are Corn Mazes Dog Friendly?

Let’s start with the fact that they are outdoors and general on open farms so at first thought they should all be well behaved dog friendly. Right? A nice outdoor adventure in the crisp fall air that is family friendly at a location that is generally considered dog friendly should be a great weekend activity. Personally I would say that if your dog is fine in big crowds and loves kids this would be an activity they would love. BUT we need to remember that most take place on farms where there are probably already all sorts of animals that even though they will not come in contact with your family or your pet are of utmost concern for the farmer that is opening up their property for the corn maze.

Are Corn Mazes Dog Friendly

Corn Maze Pet Policy

That said the pet policy at corn mazes is determined on a case by case basis by the owner of the maze. Some have a strict no pet policy while others only allow dogs on leashes who are up to date on vaccinations. Others only ask that you keep your well behaved pet on a leash at all times while on the farm and to be sure to pick up after them. Before you take the trip to the country to go to visit a corn maze call ahead and find out what the policy is. Are there pet friendly times or days you can visit or can your kids go through the maze while you hang out with the dog over by the Pumpkin Patch or in the Apple Orchard?

Halloween Haunted Corn Mazes and Dogs A Big NO

On the other hand I would not recommend taking your dog with you to any Halloween haunted Corn Mazes where people in masks might jump out at you. While children might do it as a prank during the day they likely will not be in masks and you will be more relaxed enjoying the fresh air instead of waiting to be frightened. It will also be dark and people running through the maze might not see your dog and step on them by accident. Plus the price of admission might include candy which could be dropped along the maze out of little hands There is likely a clean up crew that goes in early every morning to make sure these things are gone by the time they open for the daytime visitors.

Here is a list of some of the biggest corn mazes on the East Coast and their Pet Policy.

The Great Vermont Corn Maze – With a new design each year they put pictures into their corn maze that make aerial shots amazing but that isn’t all. There is a 32 foot underground tunnel, bridges and more! Talk about fun! <-- Not Dog Friendly

Happy Day Farm – This is New Jersey’s Largest Corn Maze. They do a theme each year, everything from the Civil War to the Happy Day show! They also have different games and activities in their corn maze! Plus they have a GPS locator with codes you can scan to find where you are! <-- Call ahead to find out.

Connors Farm – This Massachusetts corn maze is labeled as one of the 10 best in the country. This corn maze is 7 acres and has had past themes such as Wild West and witches of Salem! <-- Call ahead to find out.

Long and Scott Farms – This 7 acre corn maze in Florida has more than just a maze! Questions and answers IN the corn maze and picture rubbing activities for the kids! <-- Is a working Farm and due to food safety regulations cannot have outside animals on the premises. Exception made for Service Dogs.

Cherry Crest Adventure Farm – This Lancaster PA corn maze has a 2.5 miles of path ways in this maze but don’t worry they have Maze Masters to help if you get lost! They offer 3 different paths to choose from when starting the maze, from Easy to intermediate to Difficult! <-- Service Dogs Only

Ekonk Hill Turkey Farm’s Corn Maze – This Connecticut farm has taken the corn maze to new levels! The Night Maze! Make sure your bring your own flashlight, they won’t let you in without one! <-- No Dogs due to risk of Livestock on the farm.

Buttonwood Farm – Also in Connecticut, this maze features everything from straw tunnels and even for the little ones a cow train! <-- Service Dogs Only

Wonderful Corn Maze – This one in Georgia has a great family corn maze during the day. Their theme is the pilot lives. The story changes based on if it’s family friendly (during the day) or haunted (at night). This is a great Haunted maze, including zombie paintball! The family corn maze ends at 7pm and the haunted corn maze starts at 9pm. <-- Call ahead for family by day policy!

It seems that the bigger and more well known the corn maze the prevailing policy is service dogs only. This is both for food safety regulations on the farm and a safety situation for your dog. Size of the maze and number of daily visitors often play a hige factor in this decision as well.

Don’t be deterred though try finding small farms that have corn mazes as they seem to be more dog friendly. Always call ahead to make sure that the conditions that day are ideal to bring Fido along. Even the most pet friendly corn maze might say it will be too hot or that the ground is soaking wet mess from an overnight rainstorm.

For more Halloween entertainment, visit a few of my favorite blogs:

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  1. This is definitely something to think about. I never considered bringing a dog along with us to the corn maze.
    Ellen Christian (@ellenblogs) recently posted..Join the Change Your Chicken ChallengeMy Profile

  2. Great timing! I was looking for fun things to do for the dogs next month, because the puppies will be turning 2 on Halloween. I thought a corn maze would be fun (not on Halloween, but on other days). I’ll be sure to check with the farm first, ask about other animals and their dog policy. I’ll also plan an early morning visit to keep everyone happy.
    Kimberly Gauthier recently posted..Why Do Dogs Shake Their Legs When Scratched?My Profile

  3. Around here most pumpkin patches are not dog friendly and they have the corn mazes, so it is pretty tough to find one. I tried going out in the rural areas, but most won’t allow dogs. It is a bummer.

  4. Our corn mazes are all “haunted” and I wouldn’t go on a bet! I’m not a fan of spook houses and scary mazes. It’d be great to walk through one with the dogs if it was not scary.
    M. K. Clinton recently posted..It’s Pumpkin Season at Look Who’s Happy™My Profile

  5. Two French Bulldogs says

    No way! We are scared of those things
    Lily & Edward

  6. We are actually thinking about going to a corn maze next weekend!Will definitely pass this on to my sister.

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