Class Is In Session #RoyalCanin Health Nutrition

Class Is In Session #RoyalCanin Health Nutrition

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Class is in session #RoyalCanin Health Nutrition
Several weeks ago PetSmart® reached out to us and asked if we would be interested in sharing our thoughts on their lineup of Royal Canin® Products with all of you. Truth be told we didn’t have thoughts on the food at all. It is one thing in the Mars Petcare lineup that while we knew about it but had never experienced it or knew much about it besides you could find the Prescription formulas at some Veterinary Offices and that the regular formulas can be found on the shelves at stores.

We agreed to learn more so that we could share what we found out.

#RoyalCanin Health Nutrition

Veterinarian Jean Cathary founded Royal Canin in France in 1968. Dr. Cathary had the vision of a pet food company grounded in science; a company based on the principles of acquiring knowledge about pets, maintaining respect for them at all times and, most importantly, creating advanced cat and dog food made to satisfy the needs of the pet – not the desires of the pet owner.

Why should Health Nutrition matter?

It means that for the past 47 years Royal Canin has been in the business of Nutrition and figuring out exactly what our pet’s need in order to stay healthy and happy and full of life. It is not a fad or a trend but years of research, science, cold hard facts that are put into their food. But they take that idea so much further. They have spend those years researching what your pet needs at every life stage. Health Nutrition comes first and foremost to this company and they know that it goes beyond different size kibble for Giant Dogs and Extra Small ones. It goes beyond needing more of one key nutrient as a puppy and another as an adult and still another as a senior. Royal Canin through their scientific studies and work with Breeders, Veterinarians, and pet owners knows that each Breed is unique in its needs. From Kibble Shape to the Health Nutrition Found in each bag Royal Canin has created a food that is quite literally formulated with your dog or cat’s entire health in mind.

What does Health Nutrition Really Mean?

At Royal Canin, we live by the conviction that pets are not people; they are unique animals with unique nutritional needs that are distinctly different from our own.

It all sounds great in theory but how they put their research into practice is the impressive part. Check out this video that shares in a more playful way the ins and out of their Persian Cat Formula. As right sized Cavaliers we do know the challenges of finding a food that is the right size and shape that includes all of the nutrition the girls need maybe that is why this video hits home for us.

The formula for Cavalier King Charles Spaniels seems to be a bit elusive here in the US but sounds and looks like a food made with Davinia and Indiana in mind. Right there on the label it says that it was created to reinforce cardiac function. Davinia and Indiana were bred to have a healthy heart but we know that great genetics can’t do it all they also need great nutrition with an extra dose of Omega-3 Fatty Acids. The food also takes into account their teeth in that they need a kibble big enough to chew on but it also has to help keep their teeth clean at the same time.

Here is a video that explains the Labrador Retriever Food in more detail and why the food is formulated the way it is and shaped the way it is. I got my first Lab puppy when I was about 5 years old and we had labs at home through at least part of college. Then when I was in college I would dog sit for my aunt and uncle’s Lab when they went on Vacation.

Age Appropriate Health Nutrition

Royal Canin Healthy Aging

Now more than ever before the right food is important for Davinia and Indiana’s continued health and well-being. They are both Seniors and I can tell that a well rounded Adult formula is just not cutting it the way it used to. So we have been in the market for a Senior formula created with their unique nutrition needs in mind. What I didn’t know is that Dogs go through two, distinct periods of senior aging when it comes to their nutrition needs. Though maybe that is what I am seeing right now with Davinia in that the added supplement boosts she is getting on top of her food is just not enough for her body and we need a true Senior Formula. Not only do they have 2 Senior Formulas in the Mini Size (for dogs between 9 – 22 lbs) depending on their age Mini 8+ and Mini 12+ but they have options for dogs that go potty outside vs inside using a litter box or potty pad! Their feeding guide not only takes into account weight but they know that some seniors are still much more active and some are not so they need and use calories differently.

Learning About #RoyalCanin Health Nutrition

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  1. This is very interesting. I always thought breed specific food was all hype. Thanks so much for sharing this!
    Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle recently posted..Sponsored: Country Crock’s ‘So Much Good Happens When We Bake’ #WhenWeBake {GIVEAWAY}My Profile

  2. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says

    I didn’t even realize there was such a thing as breed specific food! But it makes sense if you think about it. The nutritional needs of a purebred runner like a greyhound would not be the same as those of the average house breed, such as a chihuahua!

  3. If more people thought like Royal Canin, that pets are people too, then this world would be a better place to live!
    Stacey- Travel Blogger recently posted..Groupon Getaways: Our Pet-Friendly Trip to Robin Hood Village Resort #MyGrouponGetawayMy Profile

  4. Catherine S says

    This is great information. I didn’t know you could get breed specific food. I will share this with friends and family that have dogs.

  5. I love that Royal Canin offers breed-specific formulas and your girls are adorable. I will let my Cavalier friends know about this food.
    Carol Bryant recently posted..Managing a Dog with IVDDMy Profile

  6. I really like the idea of breed specific food and would love to learn more about it. Our dog has the allergies of a boxer and the skin sensitivity and immunity of a pitbull, so something more particular could be really beneficial.

  7. I had no idea there was breed specific dog food! This is such a wonderful way to ensure that each dog is getting exactly the nutrients he needs for optimal health!
    Theresa recently posted..Snacking Healthy on Homemade Blueberry-Apple LeatherMy Profile

  8. This is great! We haven’t ever tried Royal Canin so it’s nice hearing more about it! I knew there was brand specific food but two of mine are mixes, and one purebred so I’ve never tried!

  9. Awwww your fur babies are adorable! I am very familiar with Royal Canin. When my male boxer was younger this is what I had him on until we got his sister. She has super sensitive stomach so we had to put them on different food. He is no longer with us, but she just celebrated her 10th birthday.
    Chrystal @ YUM eating recently posted..Hamilton Beach Saves My Morning Routine #giveawayMy Profile

  10. My sister feeds Royal Canin for her chihuahua at the vet’s recommendation. It sounds like a great choice for pet owners.
    Crystal recently posted..Dine with an Animal Specialist at Animal Kingdom LodgeMy Profile

  11. Wow great information! I know health and nutrition is just as important for our dogs as it is for us!

  12. We might be getting a new puppy soon! Proper nutrition is definitely important. Royal Canin is good stuff! Your pup is adorable!

  13. They make great food for dogs. It’s so important to fee your dogs good and nutritious foods. They will lead longer happy lives that way.

  14. Aww look at that pretty face. What a beauty. It’s great that you’re writing about nutrition, that really is important for our pets.

  15. I’m actually looking to switch to a new dog food. I didn’t know there was a breed specific food.

  16. That is an interesting concept. My dogs have usually been a bit of everything.
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  17. A friend of mine feeds his dog with his leftovers. Thank you for sharing us this information, he should read this!

  18. wow ..! Really long post. But useful

  19. Such important info! My dog is getting older and I want to make sure she is getting the best possible food! We have to take care of our old lady!

  20. Your puppy is SO cute! It’s so important for dogs of all ages to get proper nutrition, my sister just got a puppy….sending this over to her right now!

  21. After reading this, it makes perfect sense why different breeds need different foods. Such great information for pet owners

  22. Ann Bacciaglia says

    My sister has two little fur babies. I will have to share this post with her. I did not know there was specific food for different breeds.

  23. Love the approach you took with your post! 🙂 Very informative. I really enjoyed being on this campaign as well!
    Nichole recently posted..#RoyalCanin Takes the Guesswork out of Pet NutritionMy Profile

  24. Great info! It really doesn’t make sense to offer breed, age and size specific formulas. This is great for pet owners to know their pet is getting the appropriate nutrition they need.
    Golden Daily Scoop recently posted..Wordless Wednesday: Bird WatchingMy Profile

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