Having your household emergency fund set up is a very important part of being financially responsible. However, what about your Emergency Vet Fund? It’s important to have an Emergency Vet Fund in place, just in case something happens. Check out these tips to help you find money to create an emergency vet fund.
Save a Little Each Week
Since taking your pet to the vet for an emergency isn’t going to happen every week, it’s smart to set a small amount of money each week or each pay check. Even $5 or $10 a week will add up and help you get that ultimate emergency vet fund set up!
Have a Junk Sale
Do you know how quickly your junk can add up? Anything and everything you can sell to someone else will help you build up that emergency vet fund. Old and new stuff alike all sells really well. And the bigger the items you have, the better they sell, like kitchen appliances and exercise equipment. You can sell your “junk” on an online Facebook group or you could have a yard sale. There are never ending ways to get rid of your clutter and make extra cash.
Walk Other Dogs
The fastest way to create an emergency vet fund is to create a separate cash flow from your regular budget. Walking other dogs is a great way to earn extra cash for your emergency fund. You’ll want to make sure you don’t overdo it and that you keep the dogs’ safe, but this is a great way to earn extra money.
Sell Doggie Goodies
How many of you are awesome at crocheting or knitting? Start selling doggie fashion to other doggie lovers to help get your emergency vet fund off the ground. Although you will have some cost to making doggie items, you will still make extra cash.
Collect All Your Change
Most people that collect change in a jar don’t have a purpose for it. Set up a change jar and have a purpose in mind, every penny you’re saving will be for your emergency vet fund. When the jar gets full, it’s time to cash in the change and put it away for when the time comes for that emergency vet visit.
Dog Sit
There may be a time where a friend or neighbor needs you to dog sit for them. This is the perfect opportunity to cash flow your emergency vet fund. It can be expensive to board a pet when leaving out of town, but a trusty friend can help keep a pet safe.
Finding that money to create an emergency vet fund might seem overwhelming at first, but it’s totally worth it if an emergency occurs. If it seems overwhelming to try and find the extra cash, try to make it in $5 increments. Every time you make that money, make sure you put it away for that Emergency Vet visit. If disaster happens you will be glad that you have the money ready to use and not have to make split second life changing decisions because you thought it could never happen to your pet. Emergencies are expensive and occur when you least expect them to. Starting today makes you a responsible pet owner.
What are some ways you have found extra money to put towards an emergency vet fund?
What do we do here at the Two Little Cavalier household? Each month I automatically transfer money from my Checking Account to a special Savings Account just for Emergency Veterinary situations. The account does not get touched for any other dog related expenses. At first that amount was $10 per month but I have increased that amount quite a bit because I want to be prepared now that the girls are getting older.
Image Credit: © Andresr | – Little Dog As A Vet Photo
Wonderful ideas! Thank you for sharing this with the community!
Good ideas as so many people aren’t prepared for an emergency and they can be expensive. We have insurance which will cover a lot of it, but savings as well.
This isn’t something I’ve ever thought about before, but what a great idea. We have a general family emergency fund, but not one specific to vet care. Having money designated for just that would definitely make life easier if we need it.
These are some really great and important tips. Thanks for sharing!
Some of your ideas are a wonderful way to spend time doing what you love and make a little extra money for the emergency vet fund. Super!
I think this is a great idea. I don’t have any money put aside if anything were to happen to my dog.
I really should have an emergency fund for the dogs. They’re getting older, so it’s just a matter of time before they need major care.
I really need to setup an emergency fund for the vet. I have three dogs, and if anything major happens, I’m not prepared. =/
We don’t have a pet, but my brother does. You’re right about those pet emergencies popping up when it’s not expected. I know that my brother has had to scrape up pretty large sums of cash on a moments notice to pay for the vet. Your idea about having a fund to fuel is a very good one. I will pass it on.
An emergency pet fund sounds like a great idea. You never know when something could happen to one of your fur babies!
You know I’ve never thought about this but vet costs could certainly stack up. These are really good ideas!
Emergency vet funds are super important! We just had a sick cat and spent over $300!
lisa recently posted..What do you binge watch? #StreamTeam
That is such a great idea! Thanks for the tips
Harriet recently posted..25 Amazing! Chocolate Cookie #Recipes
I need these tips. We have 2 cats and we have been in a place where we were stuck with no way to pay the bill. Thankfully they took payments, but most are moving away from that.
Debi recently posted..What you should always make time for
I think that this is a great idea for anyone that has pets. You just never know when something might happen and vet bills are expensive.
Stefani Tolson recently posted..Interview With Sandy Powell (Costume Designer) #CinderellaEvent
I think this is a great idea. Vet bills can get expensive. I think it is good to put aside the money you need to spend for annual check up and shots and then budget more on top of that in case of an emergency.
Jessica recently posted..FREE Lowe’s Build & Grow See-It Planter
These are great ideas. We love our pets so much and want them to be cared for. It is important to think about this ahead of time so you are prepared.
Amy @ItsAMindfulLife recently posted..Valentine’s Day Gifts with a Story… and a Giveaway!
Great post! I love my cat so much, and she’s needed some vet care recently, so this is very timely.
Debi @ Life Currents recently posted..How to Make a Pinterest-friendly Vertical Pin Using Photoshop
Great ideas! #animaltales
Vet bills can be so expensive so thank you for these tips and thanks you for linking up to #AnimalTales
Rosie @Eco-Gites of Lenault recently posted..How do you book your holiday?
Thanks so much for this post! I’ve got insurance for my flesh-and-blood family, but not for my beloved terrier, Corbin. We haven’t needed to make any emergency trips to the vet, but it’s been on my mind. Putting aside the money for a rainy day is a great idea, and these tips would help a lot. Thanks again.
I love these ideas for making some quick money. I actually have done a few of these in the past for other monetary needs. I think my favorite of these ideas is to sell doggie goodies. I love crocheting, so I could definitely find some patterns for cute dog fashion items.
I think having an emergency veterinary fund would be so worth it. If you could save a little money each week, it wouldn’t make that much of an impact on your finances. That would be a lot more manageable than thinking about paying a big bill all at once!
It is important to always have enough money to take your pets to the hospital if that need arises. You have good ideas for raising that money, and these are things that even kids can do. I love the idea about selling doggie goodies, my kids would love that.