Tips for Puppy Proofing Your Kitchen

Tips for Puppy Proofing Your Kitchen

Puppy Proofing Your Kitchen

Puppies and full grown dogs love to explore and play, and the kitchen offers them a great chance to explore lots of fun new smells and tastes some of whcih aren’t a problem if they get into others are toxic. Take a look at some simple tips for puppy proofing your kitchen, so you can be sure your puppy (no matter how old or young they are) is always safe and secure. Puppy proofing your kitchen is easy, you just need to be thorough in your proofing and make sure no detail is overlooked.

Tips for Puppy Proofing Your Kitchen

1. Keep trash in a secure area that your dog can not get into.
This will prevent the puppy from being able to dig and get into hazardous items. Take out the trash daily so the puppy isn’t tempted to explore, especially when you are not home. Food in the trash creates a tempting environment for your dog to do something you would not approve of. Don’t give them the temptation. Plus, garbage left to sit for even a day during the summer can attract bugs which not only do you not want your dog to eat but could mean a trip to the vet if they bit your pup!

2. Dispose of food items such as bones in an outside trash can immediately.
Don’t keep these hazards in the kitchen as puppy will find a way to get them. Cooked bones splinter and break and can get stuck in your pets mouth or throat. Any small items that pose a choking hazard should be disposed of directly into your outdoor trashcan and lid secured.

3. Secure cabinets.
If low cabinets can be pried open by a puppy nose or pawed at enough to open, use a safety latch to keep it closed. You don’t want the puppy to get in and digest household cleaners or other hazards. This is also a great way to keep your dog out of the trash. Puppies are mischievous and can sometimes find themselves locked in places they did not mean to be a safety latch also prevents the puppy from getting locked in. You can find these locks at most retail stores and are easy to install yourself.

4. Watch climbing hazards.
Puppies will try to climb. Keep any objects that could be used as a ladder away from the counter tops. This could be chairs, stools, boxes, and open cabinets. It is also best if your puppy is tall enough to counter surf that you don’t leave anything tempting in their line of sight. A curious puppy could easily invent a way to get up on the counter for your Thanksgiving Turkey. The higher value the prize the more well guarded you should make sure it is.

5. Hang items high on the refrigerator.
Hang pictures, coupons, receipts, and other important items high on the fridge. Hang them too low and the puppy may use them for a play toy. Fridge magnets look like fun toys to your dog and that art project smells a bit like cupcakes 😉

What tips can you offers for Puppy Proofing their Kitchen?

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  1. Cover any small gaps, when we first got mity he fitted down the gap between the dishwasher and the work surface. He could get in but couldn’t get out!
    Lauranne recently posted..Is it just me?My Profile

  2. These are some great tips. I am a first time puppy mom so I definitely have some more puppy proofing to do. #ThrowbackThursdayLP
    Giveaways 4 Mom recently posted..Throwback Thursday #11My Profile

  3. good tips to know! Puppies sure do love to get into everything
    Amanda recently posted..ChooMee Product ReviewMy Profile

  4. This is such a great go-to list for anyone who has or is thinking getting a puppy!! Thank you for joining in our PinUP Pin Party.. hope to see you again, they happen every Friday 🙂
    Dawn @ Pin-n-Tell recently posted..{Embracing Beauty} Pin-spiration ChallengeMy Profile


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