You CAN Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

You CAN Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

You may have heard the saying time and time again, that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. Well this simply is not the case, and you can in fact teach an old dog some new tasks and tricks by following these fun and rewarding steps. Your dog is always willing to learn, so take the time to teach your old dog some new tasks and tricks.

You CAN Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

1. Train with treats.
Dogs will do just about anything for a tasty treat. You can encourage positive behavior and new tricks by giving a treat after the said task. Keep treats on hand and be generous with them when the task is performed and your dog will quickly take hint. If your dog is not food motivated what about a favorite toy to play with or a pat on the back or scratch on the tummy. You know your dog and I am sure you can find something your dog will work for.

2. Use simple commands.
Don’t try to go into a long verbal explanation with your dog. Instead, keep tasks to one or two words. The single words will be much easier for them to decipher and they will quickly learn the task or command. Reward with a treat of course when done.

3. Praise.
Positive praise is always wanted by dogs. Be sure to give verbal praise and a nice pat or scratch for a job well done. Your dog will be sure to try his hardest and earn more!

4. Be patient.
Learning a new task takes time! Don’t rush or get discouraged if your dog does not pick up on the task as quickly as you think he should. Be patient and allow for things to happen gradually. Remember it takes a few sessions to get a new command or trick down. It might even take longer. The more you work with your dog on a regular basis the easier it will be to train new tricks and commands.

You can teach an old dog new tricks when you give these tips a try. You can teach new tricks, desired behavior, and other assorted tasks when you remember these key tips. Give them a try and see what a difference they can make!

What is something that you would like to train your old dog to do?

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  1. These are great tips for training. We are having to train Bentley to pose for blog photos. That means emphasizing the basic sit, stay, and down. He loves the attention and interaction with us. Old dogs can definitely learn new tricks. (I’m learning that applies to humans too!)
    M. K. Clinton recently posted..Paw Prints IDMy Profile

  2. You definitely can teach older dogs new things as long as they don’t require a ton of flexibility and in some ways older dogs are much better learners.
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  3. Great article. Teaching the basics to old dogs is definitely possible. I love training older dogs; they really enjoy that bonding time.


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