Visiting Friends Pet Bloggers Blog Hop

Visiting Friends

Visiting Friends

This week I decided to do something completely different. Instead of sharing something of my own I have decided that after visiting all of YOUR blogs last weekend that I would highlight your posts right here on Two Little Cavaliers because they deserve a little extra love and another mention in case not everyone got around to visiting each other last week. Here is what we found when visiting friends last week. For those of you who are featured please feel free to take the code so that you can display the badge on your blog.

The first post I want to mention is so important to all pet owners and comes from our friends at Dakota’s Den. Dakota and her mommy let us all know that it was World Veterinary Day. According to Dakota World Veterinary Day 2013 will seek to raise awareness of vaccination as a means to prevent disease. Here at Two Little Cavaliers we think that every animal whether a pet or farm animal should be on a carefully decided vaccination regiment and no matter what even if they don’t need a vaccination should see the vet at least once a year just to make sure we don’t miss something. Even if money is tight you can absolutely find low cost vaccination clinic in your community check with your local shelter to find out when they have clinics that are open to the public.

The next Blog post I want to mention is from the Thundering Herd and their soggy pictures from after they were playing in the rain. Obviously at least a portion of the Thundering Herd enjoys getting wet and playing in the rain (Davinia and Indiana also like playing in the rain too). But not all dogs like the rain or the thunder booms that sometimes accompany it. So I am going to use their post as a reminder that during the Spring and Summer to take care that if you have a dog that does not like this weather to give them a spot they can feel safe a secure and not leave them outside and upset.

One of the very first people I met in the Pet Blogging Community was Vicki Cook from Bunny’s Blog. Her post last week was a really important one. She shared with us the importance of TNR in communities instead of the traditional trap and kill method for dealing with feral cat populations. In the video produced by Best Friends Animal Society they talk about how the old way never kept the cat population down and that the TNR method is benefiting communities across the US.

Hawk AKA Brown Dog has been learning new vocabulary words and last week he was on X. One of the words of the day was xanthodont – apparently it means one with yellow teeth. Which as Hawk point out gives him the opportunity to discuss the importance of proper dental care for pawed ones. What a great reminder about how important it is to make sure your pet’s teeth are nice and clean. Poor dental health can lead to issues with their heart, kidney, and other body functions which means it is our job to make sure we are helping to keep our pet’s teeth pearly white.

The last post we want to feature this week is from Talking Dogs at For Love of a Dog and their Dog Song Saturday. How much fun is that. They search near and far across the internet for songs about you guessed it dogs! Last week their featured song was by Derek Luttrell called Billy-G. A song all about a rescue dog – we think that is pretty neat! And even better the video they shared was one of Eldad Hagar rescuing a little dog that was living in the parking lot of a museum in Downtown Los Angeles.

If you didn’t already visit please make it a point of checking out their entire post. We all have so many important ideas to share and ways of sharing them that we can all learn from each other.
Right now this is just a trial to see what you all think of this format for the Blog Hop. Leave us a comment and let us know what you think and if we should continue! Please make sure to leave a link directly to your post so that I know which one you meant to link up with! I know we will be visiting friends again soon.

Hope to get to see / meet all of you at BlogPaws in 12 day!

Pet Bloggers Blog Hop

Pet Bloggers BlogHop

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Welcome to the Pet Bloggers Blog Hop the Original and longest running pet blog hop going strong since April 2010! This is is a weekly event to help you connect with other Pet Bloggers. Whether you are a seasoned blogger, one who loves reading pet blogs, or if you’re just thinking about starting your own blog – there is definitely something here for you. Acquaint yourself and enjoy – this is your resource, so use it as you see fit!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
You only need to add your link once to be seen on all the Pet Blogger Blog Hop Linky Tools for that week. If your blog is not pet related your link will be removed. Also note that only one post per blog is acceptable, and links promoting giveaways that are unrelated to the pet blogger hop will be removed. This is a weekly community building event and not a promotional vehicle.

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Grab the NEW “Pet Bloggers Blog Hop” button and include it in your Pet Bloggers Blog Hop Post so that your readers will know what is going on.

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Follow your co-hosts Of the Pet Bloggers Blog Hop listed in the first 3 slots of the Linky Tool.
Follow as many other blogs on the Linky as you’d like.
Following could mean via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, their daily newsletter, or any other place they happen to be interacting on the web.
Take a moment to comment on the other blogs that are linking for the Pet Bloggers Blog Hop telling them you’re visiting from the blog hop.
Make friends learn new things watch awesome animal videos and grow your blog.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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  1. Hi Y’all!

    Thank you for the wonderful recognition.

    I always enjoy “hoppin’ around” with everyone in the Saturday Pet Blogger Hop. It certainly gives one a chance to meet some of the best Blogville inhabitants! Davinia and Indiana remain the poster children! Thank you for continuing to host it.

    Y’all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog
    Hawk aka BrownDog recently posted..Sunrise, Fun RiseMy Profile

  2. Thank you so much for highlighting my post about TNR. I truly believe that it is the best way to deal with the stray/feral cat problem in our communities. I’m sorry that I won’t see you at BlogPaws this year, but I hope to catch up with you again next year!
    Vicki Cook recently posted..Time to ‘Get Pet Ready’ for warmer weatherMy Profile

  3. Nice to meet you! I’ve always thought that if we were to one day get a small dog breed, it would be a cavalier. They are such cute dogs!
    All Things Collie recently posted..Bingo!My Profile

  4. thank you sooooooooo much for the shout out! Can’t wait to see you at BlogPaws!
    Caren Gittleman recently posted..“Raise the Woof!” #BlogPawty with #BlogPaws and #Rachael Ray #Nutrish !! May 4th from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM EST!My Profile

  5. Thanks for sharing so many great posts!
    2 Punk Dogs recently posted..Their Little PonyMy Profile

  6. I think it’s a fabulous idea! I do something similar on Saturdays and actually linked up to this blog hop for the first time last weekend. I’ve been busy this weekend and haven’t had a chance to do it yet – maybe I should do that now!
    Ann Staub recently posted..Happy Cinco de Mayo – Create Your Own Paper Flowers for Your Dog’s CollarMy Profile

  7. Hi Felissa,
    I’m so happy I found your blog! I’m #51 on your Blog Hop. Sorry, I didn’t link directly to my post. My blog is brand new. Parker Chronicles is about my 7 month old Yorkie.

    I would love to connect with you and other pet bloggers. Stop by when you get a chance!

    Thanks for hosting the Blog Hop! Have a great week!

    Jane recently posted..It Only Took 25 Years to Get Our First Dog!My Profile


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  2. […] sharing today with the hugely popular Saturday Pet Blogger’s blog hop hosted by Two Little Cavaliers, Life With Dogs and Confessions of the […]

  3. […] sharing today with the popular Saturday Pet Blogger’s blog hop hosted by Two Little Cavaliers, Life With Dogs and Confessions of the […]

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