Dog Pictures from Purina #IncredibleDog Challenge

Dog Pictures – Action shots from Purina’s Incredible Dog Challenge

Dog Pictures

The Incredible Dog Challenge exists to showcase everyday dogs competing in Olympic style competitions that they love. They are not only entertaining to watch but they highlight the special bond people have with their dogs.

Dog Pictures

Purina supports the Incredible Dog Challenge because it demonstrates our commitment to any dog, given proper nutrition and training, has the potential to be incredible! The IDC program is built around and supports family entertainment as competitors have come from all demographics and has stretched beyond geographic and language borders, with the common denominator being the love, affection and bond people have with their dogs.

Purina Incredible Dog Challenge

Last week I had the incredible opportunity to visit Purina Towers and Purina Farms on a trip for pet bloggers sponsored by Nestle Purina. The first few days of our visit we got to speak with people from all different departments within the company to learn about the Purina culture, their commitment to dogs and cats, as well as their focus on nutrition. It was an eye opening few days topped off with a day at Purina Farms to watch the Incredible Dog Competition. Let me just say these are some truly incredible dogs who can perform feats that honestly defy gravity.

Purina Incredible Dog Challenge Dog Pictures

I was able to take dog pictures of Dogs jumping off a dock and leaping 30+ feet across a pool. Dog pictures of Weave pole wonders who take on 60 weave poles in a row. Little terriers who were so focused on their goal of winning the terrier races that they have to wear itty bitty muzzles so they don’t hurt each other getting to the prize. There were agility dogs of all ages, shapes, and sizes including one that I got to fly home on the plane with a 9 year old medical alert dog named True. We didn’t actually get to see the agility dogs perform because we were attending the Purina Pet Project Event and got over to the Incredible Dog Challenge a little late. There was also some high flying freestyle Frisbee going on that I hope to have pictures of to share with all of you very soon.

Incredible Dog Challenge

This is the first time that I have ever gotten to see some of these dog sports live and it was seriously amazing. If you every have the chance to go out and see any of these events for yourself I 100% think you should go out. While these dogs are all in peak condition and the top of their field to have been competing at the Incredible Dog Challenge not all dogs need to be an Adonis of dog sports to enjoy a day out participating in any of these events. Does your dog like to take running leaps into the pool to get their tennis ball – Dock dog in the making? Maybe they like to use your house as their own obstacle course – Agility Queen? Frisbee catching maniac – Free Style Frisbee stud? Have a dog so focused on a task they can’t be distracted – Terrier Races, Lure Coursing, or herding might be there thing! There are so many different doggy sports that you and your canine family member can participate in even if you have no desire to compete or travel around the country racking up major wins like the ones I captures in these Dog Pictures.

These are just a small portion of the pictures I was able to take during the Incredible dog Challenge but I want to save the others to put into a video and don’t want you all to get bored seeing the same pictures over and over again. Plus I wanted to give you just a small taste of the high flying action to come.

Purina Incredble Dog Challenge

What dog sport do you think your family dog would love?

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  1. Great Pics!

  2. Awesome! Is this on Animal Planet or on youtube or will it be in the future?

    • It will be on Animal Planet in January. You will have to check your local listings for date and time.

  3. you did an amazing job!! Fantastic!!
    caren gittleman recently posted..Mom Mischief!My Profile

  4. Harold Gardner says

    Awesome photos! Looks like everyone had a ton of fun. I really like the way you captured the action.

    • Thank you! It was really an amazing day watching all of the dogs compete and have fun out there.

  5. How fun! I used to love to watch these shows on tv, your photos look great. Bet you had a blast!

  6. Active dogs are happy dogs and I love that Purina sponsors things like this. Sadly our dog passed on Easter but she use to love to run and have us chase her.
    Grace Hodgin recently posted..Hersheys In The House Trick Or Treat #G!veawayMy Profile

  7. Did you get any video?? That would be fun to see as well. Thanks for the photos. Awesome that Purina supports such a great and fun series!
    Still Blonde after all these YEARS recently posted..Fall Fashionista Events, Web’s largest Fashion giveaway ENDS TONIGHTMy Profile

    • Beautiful video ! I volunteer at dog reusce and it is so true that most seniors are not lucky enough to get out of a pound to be adopted, thankfully most reusces will have a few senior dogs at all times. Seniors are gentle, wise, and usually very easy, laid back dogs, make excellent best friends ! They may not have as long to live as a puppy or very young dog, but remember you can give them the best years of their life, and they will be forever grateful to you.

  8. Oh what awesome action shots you got here! So cute!
    Stevie recently posted..Big #SALE on @GroopDealz – Look Great & #DonateMy Profile

  9. ohh what awesome pics!!

    Sandy a la Mode
    Sandy a la Mode recently posted..Birthday Wishlist, Part 1?My Profile

  10. I love seeing dogs in action. So much better and REAL than the commercials for the dog food
    Lena – @elenka29 recently posted..Salute to Warriors in Pink – #SPMy Profile

  11. I imagine that must have been a cool event to attend!!
    Paula Robinson recently posted..The Apartment Style Edition – The largest design competition in the world!My Profile

  12. I think my dog would go for anything where he can chase something. I’m not saying he’d go all the way (he’s easily distracted…kind of like that dog from UP..”SQUIRREL!”) but I think he’d like it for a while!
    Tiffany recently posted..{Giveaway} Pink Triangle NecklaceMy Profile

  13. Great pics! It looks like it was a blast! I think Trixie would like agility… unless sleeping weird is a dog sport. That she’d excel at! 😉
    Suburban Style Challenge recently posted..Another Dup-A-Look Challenge, Coming Right Up!My Profile

  14. Jenna Wood says

    I used to have a Pit Bull that could swim for miles! These dogs look like they are really enjoying the sport of it all!

  15. Looks like you had lots of fun!!
    Jadey Sam recently posted..Lazy to the MaxiMy Profile

  16. great pics!

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