Cooking for Dogs – Grilled Peaches

Grilled Peaches with Ice cream

The best part of any backyard party in the summer is the food.
From the veggie plate to the chips and salsa to the tasty BBQ burgers and more, the food is what a good backyard bash is all about.

Every barbeque has the standards.
There are always summer salads, like pasta or potato salad. Usually beef & chicken burgers. The occasional veggie burger or maybe steaks, but when it comes to desserts, the BBQ has always seemed a little lackluster to me. Some people favour sponge cakes with fruit and whipped cream, but I‘ve always found that a little difficult to eat while holding the plate. Other people favour ice cream or popsicle bars, but to me, that just seems a little…not “dessert-y” enough, you know?

Grilled peaches are a tasty BBQ treat.
They are really easy to make, but the finished dish is still really tasty and pleasing to the eye. They look and sound a whole lot fancier than they are. Grilled peaches are a favourite at Casa de Kolchak. They’re absolutely delicious and they are safe and healthy for both the dinner guests and the dogs.

It’s all in the fruit.
The key to making grilled peaches the star of your BBQ is all in the fruit you choose. Many people look for the most colourful peaches, but colour actually has a lot more to do with the variety of peach that it’s flavour or ripeness. You want peaches that are firm without being hard and ripe without being mushy. Avoid any fruit that has cuts or tan spots, they’re gross. Picking the perfect fruit to use actually took longer than grilling it.

Here’s what you need:
4 Ripe Peaches
1 tsp. melted butter
Pinch of cinnamon

Heat the grill to medium-high. Slice your peaches into quarters, removing the pit. (Make sure you trash the pit right away and that your dog doesn’t get it. Pits of any sort can be really dangerous, so be careful!)

Brush each side of the peach slices very lightly with butter. Toss them on the hot grill, flesh side down. Cook with the lid down until grill-marked and softened, about 4 – 5 minutes per side. Remove from heat and serve with a sprinkle of cinnamon (and if you like, a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Get the good real dairy stuff – you’re worth it!)

What’s your favourite BBQ dessert?

Jodi, Kolchak, and Felix

Meet our Cooking for Dogs Editor Jodi and her dogs Kolchak and Felix

Jodi is a canine nutrition and small animal naturopathy student hailing from beautiful Vancouver, BC. (That’s in Canada, eh?) She loves to experiment in the kitchen, creating tasty (and healthy) treats for her two dogs, Felix & Kolchak and the rest of her family. Jodi’s blog, Kol’s Notes follows the antics of the irrepressible Kolchak as he celebrates good food, good friends and the good life.

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  1. I have never tried grilled peaches, but they look yummy. I didn’t know dogs could eat peaches. My only problem is it is hard to find good peaches in Vegas since everything is trucked in. Could I substitute nectarines?

    • Kolchak and Jodi says

      I’ve neVer tried it, but I bet you could. The end result might not be quite as juicy, but I bet they’d have a great grilled flavour! You’ve inspired me to try it for myself though!!

  2. I had no idea that dogs ate peaches!

  3. I love peaches, I never thought about grilling them. they look tasty grilled!

  4. Me too. I had no idea dogs like peaches. Love the pictures

  5. YUMMY – summer peaches are the best!

  6. I wonder if my dogs would like these. They love most fruits and veggies they’ve tried. We’ll have to do this soon!

  7. Kelley Johnsen says

    Now these doggies eat good! I need to make some for my Sasha! Thank you for the idea.

    • Kolchak and Jodi says

      My dogs *might* be a tad spoiled but if I can make food that is really tasty for me and safe to share with them as a treat, why not right?.

  8. Wow those look really good!

  9. These look so yummy! Thanks for sharing!

  10. They look great!!

  11. Grilled peaches, hmmm? Well, interesting. I’m one of those odd people who never really likes fruit except in its purest form. I’m weird like that. But my mom would love this.

  12. Not a peach fan but I can understand how a dog would like sweet!

  13. I’ve never thought about giving my dogs peaches – I’m definitely going to try this!

  14. Looks delicious!
    Beth | recently posted..Happy Tails: EllieMy Profile


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