Who Let the Dogs Out?

Puppy and Little Girl Sharing Icecream

Memorial Day Weekend marks the opening of many outdoor activity areas around the country for the summer. From swimming pools to amusement parks to Farmers Markets to hiking trails the beautiful weather is here and so is the desire to go outside not only for you but your dog as well. Are you prepared and ready to make the right decisions when it comes to the activities that your pet can participate in and which ones to leave them home for? Well we are going to help you to make the right decisions.

Is this an indoor or outdoor event? How hot is it going to be that day? Will you be able to bring enough water for you and your pet in order to stay hydrated. If you are thirsty so is your pet. Even more so if your dog has a long thick coat. Will there be a place to cool off in the shade or is the event out in an open field with temperatures soaring after a long cold winter? Remember the shorter your dog’s (muzzle) nose the more difficult it is for them to breathe in hot weather.

Are there going to be a lot of other dogs at this event that are bigger, smaller, more excitable, more aggressive then your dog. Do you have a way to keep your dog safe at the event. Will all the dogs be on leash and kept at safe distances from each other? Or is this a tight and crowded location that everyone will be bumping into each other? Will everyone be following the on leash rule? More dog fights happen when one dog is on a leash and the other is off leash.

Are there going to be a lot of people with baby strollers walking around in this area? People pushing baby strollers can accidentally run over your dog’s tail or paw which will startle your dog. The best case is that your dog lets out a yelp or cry but everyone is fine. The worst case is your dog is injured gets scared and bites the child in the stroller because they are at the same height as your dog’s head immediately after their tail or paw being rolled over.

Just because the lake, river, stream, or pond is there is it safe for your dog to swim or splash around? Check the water temperature if the water is considerably cooler then the air temperature? If so do not allow your dog to be exposed for too long or go in if they are extremely tired and hot.

Does your dog know how to swim? If not can you help them swim or will they pull you under because you are not a strong swimmer and your dog is big? A dog that freaks out in the water will thrash around and in the process scratch you or your children.

Is there going to be a lot of food around? Its one thing if the food is already cooked or cold etc. It is another thing if there will be big giant BBQ’s or an open fire with food cooking that your dog can get to. If your dog steals watermelon from the table you weren’t paying close enough attention if however they try to take food off the burning hot grill because it is so tempting and get burned that is not ok and could and should have been avoided.

These are just some of the things you need to consider when deciding if you should take your dog to summer events with you.

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  1. two French Bulldogs says

    good info, thanks
    Benny & Lily

  2. some great advice!! thanks for sharing!! 🙂

  3. Great advice. Thanks.

  4. Great post and excellent tips!

  5. Great tips :O) and I love the picture.

  6. Kim Croisant says

    so sweet!

  7. Jenna Wood says

    Luckily we have a toy dog- so we don’t have to worry about him getting into too many shenanigans,however I’ constantly worrying about him getting hurt. You never know where he might get stuck, or if someone might not see him! Great safety tips for the summer, thanks!

  8. Kathleen says

    Great advice. People forget about animals too much, we need to take good care of them.

  9. Wow, I never thought about dogs safety so much. We just let them run. But this is excellent advice, especially for dogs that are around others than the family!

  10. These are some great tips for families with dogs. Thank you and I will share this:_)

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