Pet Boxer Alerts Owner to Breast Cancer

Pet Boxer Sniffs Out Cancer

In Georgia a woman has finally been told she is breast cancer free which is something to celebrate on its own. But the real miracle is that he says she found the cancer in time thanks to her pet boxer who sniffed out the cancer and literally pawed it out to her. Carol Witcher, 67, who lives near Atlanta, claims her 9-year-old boxer “Floyd” smelled the illness and pawed at her right breast pushing on it trying to get her attention. At first she just thought that he was annoying her but eventually he pawed hard and gave her a strange look so she felt around and found what she thought was a small lump. She went to see a doctor that confirmed she had stage three breast cancer and a lump the size of a baseball.

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  1. What are best friends for? Good dog.

  2. ShellieAndBrutus says

    Brutus loves this story. He says most of his kind are smart. 🙂

  3. I’m always amazed by stories like this – hooray for Floyd!!!

  4. Samantha says

    Awwww so wonderful!

  5. What a great story! And hurrah for the survivor!!!

  6. Wow! What an amazing story. I’m glad she’s Cancer free now!

  7. OMG. This story is amazing.So happy she is cancer free now 🙂 If that was my dog I would give him extra treats and bones every day LOL

  8. That is amazing! What a fabulous story!

  9. You know, I’d say it was a coincidence but I have heard these stories way too much. I think God was using that boxer as his angel. And aren’t all of our pets Angels on Earth anyway?

  10. That is amazing!

  11. Wow! What a story. I love how pets can be so influential in our lives while still being so unassuming. – Katy

  12. I actually watched a special on PBS or some other channel about dogs and their heightened sense of smell and ability to sniff abnormal cells. Amazing.

  13. AW!! So wonderful!

  14. Wow! How incredible is that??? WTG Floyd!

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