Cooking for Dogs Grilled Sweet Potato

Grilled Sweet Potato with Brown Sugar Lemon and Dill

Here in Vancouver, BBQ season is upon us.
I love this time of year. As much as enjoy cooking in the kitchen, there’s just something about getting outside and enjoying a meal on the deck that makes me happy to the very core.

My dogs love it too.
We have a lot of company in the summer. I know my friends are just trying to be nice, but every time I see someone sneak them a chunk of hamburger or a bite of potato salad under the table, I cringe. Not all BBQ foods are dog-friendly, so we’re on a mission to give the backyard BBQ a dog friendly make over.

I decided to change up my BBQs to help make more of the meal something that we can share with our dogs without worry.

BBQ potatoes are a family favourite at Casa de Kolchak.

Traditional BBQ potatoes are cooked with a lot of butter and onions, neither of which is good for your dogs. I really love sweet potatoes and the dogs LOVE them. Grilled sweet potatoes are a tasty treat for the whole family and they are really good for you. In fact, the nutritionists at the Center for Science in the Public Interest ranked sweet potatoes as #1 for overall nutrition above all other veggies. The have a low glycemic index, which makes them a much healthier choice than a regular potato.

Yams vs. Sweet Potatoes

Here in North America, we tend to use the terms “Sweet Potato” and “Yam” interchangeably, but the truth is, they’re not the same thing. Yams have an almost white flesh, while true sweet potatoes have bright orange or yellow flesh. You want to be careful when shopping, as even some grocery stores and green grocers don’t seem to know the difference. When I bought mine, the produce market had mislabeled them. To check, just scratch off a small piece of the outer skin. If what you see is orange, then it’s a sweet potato.

Let’s get grilling’!
These barbeques sweet potatoes are just as easy to make as the regular foil-wrapped potatoes and (I think) they pack a whole lot more flavour.

Grilled Sweet Potatoes

Here’s what you need:

• 3 medium sweet potatoes
• 2 small lemons
• 1 stalk fresh dill (about 2 tbsp. chopped)
• 2 tsp. brown sugar
• 2 – 3 tbsp. olive oil

Whisk together oil and brown sugar. You don’t even have to peel these tasty potatoes. Scrub the skin well with water and trim off any black or green spots. (Green spots on potatoes contain a toxin called crystalline alkaloid which you don’t want to feed your dogs or your family.)

Thinly slice your lemons. Chop sweet potatoes into ¼” thick rounds and toss with lemon and olive oil.
Wrap the potato and lemon in foil and place on the grill over medium-high heat. Allow the sweet potatoes to cook for 5 minutes then flip the foil packet. Cook for another 5 – 7 minutes or until fork tender. Remove from the grill and allow potatoes to cool for a few minutes before unwrapping the packet. If you love the look of grill marks on your food (like I do) put the potato slces rght on the grill for a minute. The brown sugar will caramelize leaving you with some tasty looking lines. Sprinkle finely chopped dill over the sweet potatoes and serve.

Not a fan of brown sugar, lemon and dill?
The rich flavour of sweet potatoes lends itself well to many different herbs. Try lime and cilantro, rosemary and garlic, lemon and thyme…the sky is the limit!

What flavour combination will you try?

Jodi, Kolchak, and Felix

Meet our Cooking for Dogs Editor Jodi and her dogs Kolchak and Felix

Jodi is a canine nutrition and small animal naturopathy student hailing from beautiful Vancouver, BC. (That’s in Canada, eh?) She loves to experiment in the kitchen, creating tasty (and healthy) treats for her two dogs, Felix & Kolchak and the rest of her family. Jodi’s blog, Kol’s Notes follows the antics of the irrepressible Kolchak as he celebrates good food, good friends and the good life.

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  1. I wish there was a list somewhere of spices I could and could not give my dog (if I had one). I always get confused.

  2. I think even my picky eater (canine not human) would eat this! It seems the older her gets, the pickier he is.

  3. Um, this recipe is for dogs? This is a case of me eating it and looking surprised when someone points out I’m eating dog food, haha!

  4. I can’t imagine feeding this to my dogs. I’d eat it before they’d ever get the chance. Looks so yummy!

  5. Wow! This is such a cool idea! I have tried drying up liver before for my dog and make treats with it and even hot-dog sausages dried up, but this sounds so much yummier and healthier for them!

  6. Jennifer Clay says

    How cool!


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