Tornado’s Touch Down in Texas Dogs Are Homeless

Tornado Texas April 3

Early this afternoon Dallas and other areas of Texas saw major tornadoes tearing through their neighborhoods. Cars were overturned, trees torn out of the grounds and homes were destroyed. There have been no reported deaths or majors injuries at this time but there is still violent weather in areas of the state.

When homes are damaged and destroyed pets like dogs and cats suffer. They suffer not only from the actual traumatic experience of going through such a violent storm but they suffer because their homes are gone and their owners now need to find alternate housing. A dog or cat might be ok living in a Hotel Room for a while or even sharing a trailer with their owner while their home is rebuilt or a new one found. Dogs and cats have feelings and emotions and events like a Tornado, Hurricane, or Earthquake are just as scary for them as it is for you. Maybe it is more scary for them because they can sense when these things are coming long before we know that we are in imminent danger. Often times a dog or cat that lives through a Natural Disaster even if their home is not damaged and their owners are perfectly fine still suffer the rest of their lives. They become scared of storms when before thunder and lightening didn’t bother them. They hide under beds in an Earthquake no matter how small the Earthquake is. They dash out the door or climb over the fence in the yard on the 4th of July from the noise of the fireworks.

Video of the Tornado tossing around 18 wheelers.

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After a Tornado, Hurricane, or even a violent rainstorm don’t forget to spend time with your pet. Comfort them tell them that everything is ok. Try not to change your schedule or you habits too greatly so that normalcy remains for your dog or cat. They will feed off of your energy if you are scared and upset they will be too. If you remain calm and deal with the situation you are presented with in a way that doesn’t make the already bad situation worse your pet will remain calm too.

A Spaniel takes us on a tour as it survey’s the damage at their local field. You can tell the dog is a bit upset always looking back at its owner. A little skiddish and over anxious.

We will update you if and when there is an disaster relief taking place for dogs and cats.

Amazon Native Ads – Pet Supplies


  1. Just saw this on our local news! Our hearts go out to everyone and their pets!

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