Puppies Abandoned in Suitcase

English Bulldog and her 6 puppies

6 English Bulldog puppies and their mother were abandoned and zipped inside a suitcase behind a Toledo, Ohio city business on April 4th. People walking by found the puppies and their mother and unzipped the suitcase before calling the County Dog Warden for help. Since they were found so soon the mother dog and her puppies were given a clean bill of health.
During their investigation authorities found that the luggage tag on the bag had information on it and contacted the owner of the bag. Witnesses say that the man did have a pregnant female Bulldog and others said that he had been trying unsuccessfully to sell the puppies before abandoning them zipped in a suitcase next to a dumpster.
The bag of six English bulldog puppies — three males and three females — along with their mother was picked up April 4 by the Lucas County Dog Warden’s office. The mother, now named Maddie, and the pups are doing well at the Humane Society. Mom and her puppies will be going to a foster home by the end of the week so they can spend some time in a home setting while they grow and mature. They won’t be available for adoption for at least four weeks, officials said, but because they are part of a cruelty case, that time might be extended. The owner of the suitcase claims he had give the dog and her puppies to someone in Michigan and was not responsible for them being abandoned. Authorities are still determining what to charge him with but do believe that he is the one who left them there or at least knew they were left. When authorities went to question the man they found him packing to move.

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  1. Cute puppies.

  2. Here’s hoping that all of these little ones and Mama find a home with people who will love them.

  3. Aw they are adorable! I can’t believe someone would abandon them like that =( Thank goodness they are ok.

  4. Lisa Babusch says

    This is so horribly sad! Thankfully they were found before it was too late. When will people learn not to have animals if they cannot care for them properly!

  5. Benny & Lily says

    Oh my these humans!
    Benny & Lily

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