Claudias Canine Cuisine Giveaway

Claudia's Canine Cuisine

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Claudia's Canine Cuisine

I had fallen in love with the look of these cookies at Global Pet Expo 2011 but each time I went by their booth they were either swamped with people or the owner and creator of the brand was not there. This year at BlogPaws 2012 as I was walking the Floor on the last day as exhibitors were packing up from a long event I happened to walk right past the booth and did a double take at all o the beautiful cookies. I stopped to say hello and the owner was there and not busy so we started talking. I found out that the cookies are her mother’s recipes. And how cool is this the chief product tester and quality assurance officer is a Cavalier! I even got to see a picture of the little one that one of the employees took while and sent via text message to her phone while she was at Global.

Since they were breaking down and packing up all of the cookies and she had mentioned that they would rather sell them then pack them back up and ship them home since they have to pack them so carefully so the cookies don’t break in transit. I asked if I could buy a box to bring home to the girls (except for a very few samples of things I didn’t take much home with me for them) and she said I could have them if we would be willing to write up a review and tell her what we thought. Of course I would and well she just kept piling on the boxes. Now I would have loved to take them all home but due to needing to pack it all into my suitcase I couldn’t take it all and so we agreed that I would take some home and then do a giveaway so a lucky winner could try them as well.

Claudia's Canine Cuisine

Here are our thoughts as well as the thoughts of some helpers who I asked for opinions on things. These cookies literally smell good enough to eat. The ingredients are all sourced in the US and the bakery is in the US so the fact that all of the ingredients are the same as you would find in a cookie made for a person one of my helpers decided to give the cookie a try themselves. Apparently they taste like dessert. They are a little less sweet then you would expect from a cookie and a bit harder then you personally would want a cookie to be but those are both good news for you dog. While they do have sugar and honey in them apparently it is not as much as you would expect. Plus they are crunchy which is good for your dog’s teeth. Davinia and Indiana both agree that these are dessert, or a snack, or good for just about anytime of day or night. They get super excited when I go into the room where I have been keeping them and they hear me open the lid. They come running and get all dance-y and excited. My one negative is that there is sugar in the cookies. I think that the honey is ok and that the sugar could be switched out and molasses used instead.

I have actually purchased this brand of cookie before. They happened to be on super sale after Halloween so I picked up a package and then girls really liked them but I think in Miami it was too humid and they weren’t as crunchy when the girls had them. Either way they still really liked them and one was never enough they always wanted more. These cookies are available online via many of your favorite retailers. Their more gourmet lines are available at your local boutique shops.

Claudia's Canine Cuisine

These gourmet handmade Made in the USA cookies are sure to be a giant hit in your house.
Winner will receive an assortment of Claudia’s Canine Cuisine Cookies in a size appropriate for your dog.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Don’t forget to check out these other amazing Giveaways!

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  1. nohemi floyd says

    Sheila knows how to sit, lay and dance!

  2. randy fulgham says


  3. B.J. Bernal says

    I have 3 dogs 2 of them can shake and 1 can roll over and they all fetch and one can jump super high.

  4. Kelly Burroughs Crowell says

    There isn’t much Buddy doesn’t know how to do but Shilah on the other hand was much harder to train so she is only good at sitting, laying, dancing, and sitting pretty πŸ™‚

    Thanks for the giveaway,
    Kelly Burroughs Crowell

  5. dang … those look good enough to eat myself πŸ™‚ Our big Dog brings my wife her shoes … not mine thou ..go figure πŸ™‚

  6. Nancy Dadey says

    They know stand at the window and bark

  7. Kelly Ann T. says

    He can spin, catch a treat, take a scrunci out of your hair, and sit pretty.

  8. dawn wittenhagen says

    Jezzibell (my half Chihuahua half jack Russell daughter) does so many cool and funny things. She goes and wakes brother up every morning by eating his face and when he hides it she either burrows herself under it to get to em or she digs em out. She sits. She gives kisses. she plays hide n seek with brother. she is just super smart..omg i love er sooo much! She is one VERY spoiled puppy girl!

  9. He can sit! Thats about it, lol!

  10. I have two Maltese, female 1 yr and male 7 mo. They both know how to sit and also wait for the ‘word’ to take their treats. But their best trick is pulling each other around by one holding onto the other’s tail with their mouth. They are quite entertaining! I also have a female greyhound and they will round her up in the yard and race to the house.

  11. Mary (Molly) Becker says

    My three girls are getting too old to do tricks lately. Unless you count eating, drinking, going outside and sleeping as tricks. They are still wonderful companions though & I’d love to be able to brighten their days with such wonderful treats.
    Thanks for this opportunity!

  12. Maureen Howard says

    Peppercorns doesn’t really do too many tricks but she is sooo funny whenever you give her a treat. She takes it in her mouth, runs into the living room and throws it up in the air…lol. She doesn’t try to catch it, just throws it and runs over to it and does it again. It is funny to watch. She has been a terrific companion since I am home sick.

  13. I do not have a dog. Entering to give to a friend if I win

  14. He can shake and lay down!

  15. My little Buster can roll over and sit up.
    Thank you for this giveaway. πŸ™‚

  16. sarah rainwater says

    Jake only knows how to sit, lol.

  17. Amy Orvin says

    Toby can fetch , and roll over
    [email protected]

  18. Jacqueline Ellis says

    Hahaha mine? Well he knows how to pretend to sleep when he chewed sumthing up πŸ™‚

  19. My dog knows how to play fetch. We have a bone and a ball that he fetches and brings back when we throw it. Thanks.

  20. Deidra B. says

    My Pomeranian will find papers (on the floor, etc.) and bring to me in exchange for a treat. She will not let go of the paper until she sees the treat in my hand.

  21. My sisters dog knows how to play fetch. That is it:)

  22. Dumpling knows how to sit, down, shake hands and stay. We are working on ‘roll over’!

  23. My dog is a master at cleaning up the floor (after my son throws food on it) πŸ˜›

  24. she knows sit, stay, heel, and “play dead”

  25. Heather Johnson says

    My dog can sit, stop, dance, brush his teeth (with our help), and go to bed.

    heather at parentingpatch dot com


    Sit,lay, stay, come, roll over, spin around, (sits with treat on nose until given permission to eat it), and my favorite is the High Five.

  27. Mellissa Hanks says

    Well two of our dogs we are happy they can walk on a leash without hurting The other one can sit and come. :O)

  28. Valerie Wilson says

    We have 3 dogs. They know to sit, shake, lay down, and how to get anything they want! πŸ™‚ And I bet they would LOVE to win these!! Thanks for the opp!

  29. This is for my mom’s dogs – one of them will do just about anything for cheese, including dance. πŸ™‚

  30. My dog doesn’t do any tricks except shred paper into confetti! πŸ™‚

  31. My Adrian, chocolate lab, uses the water and ice features on my refrigerator, i don’t have to worry about her being thirsty, she can
    also open any cabinet or door, we can not leave food in our lower
    cabinets or she eats it, even installed childproof latches and she
    figured them out in two days!!! She would love these treats!!!

  32. They know how to stand up and dance.

  33. Danielle E. says

    Not too many he can spin and play dead and that is about it

  34. My oldest Beagle, Shiloh,can sit up and wave, twirl on his hind legs, shake or give paw, crawl, pray and we are working on high five and also will back up on command. Shasta, my youngest Beagle can sit up, jump through her hula hoop, crawl, back on command and will seek to find me. shake or give paw and working on high five. Me and Shasta are working on a dance routine.that uses some of these tricks.

  35. Laura Jacobson says

    Well, I just got Murphy in October from our local rescue group, he is not really good at tricks….but he does love to howl along with my grandson! So cute…they sit and howl together. He starts whenever my grandson hums… cute. πŸ™‚

  36. our golden retriever will give you 5 with her paw (soooooo cute) sit, stay, down and the command close when she is on a walk

  37. catherine c says

    he sneezes on command

  38. jennifer bowen says

    to sit and thats

  39. Tracy Awalt Juliano says

    Uhm… I don’t have a dog. I’m trying to win this prize for a good friend of mine. I have no idea what tricks her dog knows.

  40. elven johnson says

    Sit, hug, & lay down.

  41. Tabitha Evans says

    Sit,stay,lay down and shake

  42. scottsgal says

    my springer spaniel knows his toys by name and will go get what toy we ask him to
    msboatgal at

  43. Bridget Merker says

    Our dog knows sit, stay, lay down. He used to know roll over but at age 13 1/2 and over 65 lobs. it’s a bit hard for him to roll over.

  44. Her favorite trick is to “weave” through my legs.

  45. Just how to sit :/

  46. My small dog loves to jump for his treats. My bigger dog lays in bed and cuddles with us at night (not much of a trick, but love the cuddling). Thank you

  47. Kelly A. Tanner says

    We’re learning! so far, it’s sit and lay down!

  48. paige chandler says

    None. Pansy the pug just sleeps and looks adorable.

  49. Elizabeth says

    Sit and stay….sadly that’s it.

  50. Eunice Childs says

    I own an Aussie cattle dog he does many tricks simple as roll over to dancing between my legs

  51. Nikki Elkins says

    My dogs dont really know tricks.

  52. Theron Willis says

    My daughter’s two dogs know how to wit in command and know no other tricks.

    Hope to win!

  53. My dog knows how to get me to enter a giveaway. I asked if I should enter to win Claudia’s Canine Treats and he is going crazy. LOL

  54. tamatha hunter says

    my “kids” dont really know tricks, just simple commands; such as sit, stay, lay down, etc.

  55. My dog doesn’t know tricks. He barely knows sit, stay , lay down.

  56. sit & speak

  57. Sit & stay….those treats look great. Thanks.

  58. Jar Jar Binks can sit, kiss and come to me when asked he also knows when i spell leash, walk,shoes,socks,go and a few more words he is very smart :O)
    PLeASEEEEEEEEEEEEE let me win :O)

  59. tami husak says

    my puppy knows sit, speak,dance and to bark at any noise she hears lol

  60. Brianne Libby says

    I would give these to my in laws because we don’t have a dog yet. Their dog Cooper can sit, stay, give paw, give the other pay, fetch, find his toys, and speak.

  61. Dawn Valentine says

    She’s kind of old, so she only sits now, and will also give you her paw.

  62. Dexter knows your basics, and he can also spin, twist, and play dead!

  63. courtney b says

    she knows sit, speak and lay down

  64. My dog knows how to sit on vocal command as well as “leave it” and will stay on hand signal only. Of course, he’s a rescue who was elderly when we saved him, so I guess we should be happy he has any manners.

  65. Caroline B says

    My pups know how to sit and lay down.

  66. Our pups are pretty much at the basic commands (sit, stay, come, leave it), and shake. We’ve tried a little to train ‘lay down’ but they haven’t quite gotten it yet.

  67. king is my service dog now he is a pom small he pick up pen pencil i drop and then tell me when my machine goes off and then he doe love to run up and take the ball and hide it form me

    desi the blonde at msn dot com

  68. Christina says

    To fetch, jump up and play dead – Birdie refuses to do anything else!

  69. Dawn @ Guiding Light says

    One of my dogs knows how to wave. Pretty cute!

  70. they both know to dance for a treat and play chase

  71. Melanie K. says

    She is still a puppy but learning to sit and shake πŸ™‚

  72. Erika P. says

    My dogs know the basic commands they learned in puppy training like sit/stay, lay down, and shake hands.

  73. Stephanie Huff says

    Jessie knows how to sit pretty, Wyatt knows how to stand up straight on his back legs and dance.

  74. I don’t know if this is considered a trick, but my dog has been trained to scale a 10 foot wall.

  75. mickeyfan says

    She can pick out the toy that you name and when hubby says “Playboy”, she lays on her back and stretches out. πŸ™‚

  76. My dog only knows Sit.

  77. Eileen Burke says

    Not really a trick, but he knows how to nudge the lid off the garbage and dig in!

  78. My dog can swim. He doesn’t much like it though and will swim to the steps of the pool and get out.

  79. my dogs only know sit and stay

  80. tracy davis says

    He can shake both hands

  81. Charlotte Padgett says

    One knocks on the door when she wants back in the house and the other will way ger tail on command.

  82. He can shake my hand on command!

  83. My dog…tricks. Hmmm. Well, he’s a police K9 so I guess his “tricks” would be: Finding dope, biting the “bad man”, locating lost children, finding articles (guns, knives, etc) and the best trick of all was when he bit my hubby’s very mean Sgt. πŸ™‚

  84. Angela Winesburg says

    How to shake and speak

  85. Lady doesn’t know many tricks — mostly just sit πŸ™‚

  86. Kathy Ross says

    He knows sit pretty. And he sits so darn pretty!

  87. sir, stand, dance, jump, roll, play dead, and kiss!

  88. Linda Meyers-Gabbard says

    They know sit, stay, speak, fetch

  89. he knows “Shake” – sometimes, when he feels like it

  90. Jacqui Odell says

    She shakes.

  91. Jude Skocki Kelly says

    my dogs respond to ‘Harry Potter’ spells. Stupefy = sit, crutio = quiet, alohomora = give me the toy.

  92. They both know sit and shake. We’re are working on fetch with the puppy.

  93. Michele Behlen says

    He’s just a puppy but he sits, speaks, sort of fetches and comes when you call him.

  94. Judith Bayer says

    He can open the door to the basement

  95. Michelle Spayde says

    I adopted Sarah as an adult after her rescue from a puppy mill, so she really doesn’t know “tricks”. The closest thing would be when she “tells me” that she has to go outside. It’s not a bark, rather it almost sounds like she’s talking.

  96. Caroline says

    My dogs know sit, stay, come, lay down, shake, roll over, and up (on back legs).

  97. Jackie Craig says

    He knows how to dance and how to stay, he also knows how to sing πŸ™‚

  98. Sit, stay, shake, lay down, and high fives!

  99. Christine says

    roll over

  100. My Sammie knows how to beg.

  101. he can speak, sit, heel, and other easy tricks

    brich22 at earthlink dot net

  102. Rebecca Parsons says

    Sit, down, dead dog, shake, high five

  103. Rachel Travis says

    Sit, lay down and bark πŸ™‚

  104. Andrea Henry says

    rowdy just plays ball….that’s all

  105. Mary Baker says

    My little Yorkie girl comes up to me and lays her head against my mouth until I kiss her and as soon as I kiss her she “wipes it off”! She is so silly and knows how to make me laugh!

  106. christine jessamine says

    one of my dogs can sit,stay, other one wont do it on his own, but he will copy cat the good dog

  107. anita leibert says

    My dog knows how to sit and to give me a paw.

  108. Our dog know sit and stay.

  109. our dog can sit and lay down….and he can go to bed as soon as the TV is turned off at night! πŸ™‚

  110. Sara Southard says

    Coopr will sit. When he wants too. πŸ˜‰

  111. All my dog can do is fetch a ball and bring it back, that’s the only trick.

  112. Brandy Batson says

    she knows how to sit, shake, roll over and play dead. and touch. and kiss on command. can also read sign language

  113. I have a big huge labradoodle. He knows how to shake, sit, and stay.

  114. My pooch can give kisses on demand?! Does that count? haha

  115. She can give hugs.

  116. Melanie MOntgomery says

    He knows how to make people fall instantly in love with him. :]

  117. Jason Judge says

    My dog know how to sit, stay, lay down, jump, kiss, be gentle, and get out of the kitchen πŸ™‚

  118. crystle tellerday says

    my basset hound can shake hands

  119. Vicki D. says

    He will shake your hand, plus he will sit when you say sit.

  120. Monique Rizzo says

    My dog will stand on her back legs and spin!
    Thanks for the chance.
    [email protected]

  121. Linda Kish says

    If there’s food involved, he knows how to sit, otherwise not so much.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  122. Stephanie Hirsch says

    She can fetch, and sit, they both know how to open doors too.

  123. kathy pease says

    my dog only knows how to eat sleep and pee on the fridge πŸ™

  124. Lisa Weidknecht says

    Sit, lay down, settle

  125. JanetGoingCrazy says

    Does stealing all of our shoes and taking them to the backyard count as a trick??

  126. They just know how to sit

  127. sit and that is awesome for a Jack Russell lol

  128. Paige Kelley says

    They all know how to sit, stay, lie down. Beg. And one of mine knows how to speak ‘Who is it?’ and “Come in” πŸ™‚

  129. She does this thing where i say no kissies, so she nuzzles me, and then I will say, okay kissies and she will give kisses.

  130. Mindy Muellenborn says

    He knows how to sit

  131. Sit, lay down, shake, and say you’re sorry

  132. She doesn’t know many tricks. She was a rescue and we think she was abused. I am trying to teach her to sit.

  133. Shake, that’s about it!!! lol

  134. The basics.. roll over, sit up etc.

  135. We just adopted a rescue dog at the animal sheltar two weeks ago. She knows how to sit and stay and laydown. Thank you for the chance.

  136. Sit, stay, give me paw, shake, high five, lie down and play dead.

  137. I never taught my dog very many tricks, but he understands almost anything I say to him and has very good manners, especially when you’re eating

  138. shirley pebbles says

    sit, down, paw and other paw, crawl, hug and kisses.

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  1. Cuisine Blog says:

    Claudias Canine Cuisine Bad Dog Biscuit

    […] get to em or she digs em out. She sits. She gives kisses. she plays hide n seek […]

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