Wordless Wednesday Davinia the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

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  1. Alisha Kostiuk says

    Thank you for sharing these great pictures. Adorable. Makes me want to cuddle him up!

  2. He looks pooped out!

  3. What a pretty dog! Happy Wednesday!

  4. What a sweetie!

  5. Peaceful!

  6. Great pictures! He looks so comfy and warm!

  7. Davinia is a girl. I don’t think she has ever been mistaken for a boy dog before. She has really dainty features. Indiana is the one who is a Tom Boy and big boned gets mistaken for a boy dog.

  8. Gorgeous, love King Charles!

  9. Jahnna Randall says

    So cute! They both are adorable love the blog! I have a long hair chihuahua named Gizmo, he loves the camera and would love for you to check out his web series! http://www.2fur1.com

  10. L. D. pegram Boyle says

    So cute and charles looks spoiled.

  11. such a sweet baby! Beautiful!

  12. NYC Single Mom says
  13. So cute!

  14. So cute!! I’m stopping by from A Helicopter Mom’s blog hop 🙂

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