Murkin the Rescue Dog Playing with 5 Foster Kittens / Pet Bloggers Blog Hop

Rescue Dog is not amused by his foster kittens

About Murkin:

Murkin is a rescue dog believed to be a mix between a great Pyrenees/Lab/Golden Retriever/Australian Shepherd. He was adopted from a local shelter when he was about 6 months old. He is very calm and patient, and he loves to hang out and play with other animals, especially cats and kittens as can be seen by all of the videos of Murkin and foster kittens on the web. While Murkin might not have the most amused look on his face he is certainly gentle and very forgiving considering one of the kittens is eating his fur and lays down on his back. The kittens run and jump around him, over him, and on top of him and the most he does is sniff them. Murkin loves meeting his new foster kittens when they are old enough to start interacting with him. His owners say he is very gentle with the kittens letting them warm up to him before he tries to play with them. I think his expression is absolutely hilarious throughout the entire video. For more kitten videos, check out Murkin’s Youtube channel.

I think Murkin’s expression says it all. He is putting up with the kittens and allowing them to play with him but he isn’t very amused with their little antics.



Pet Bloggers Blog Hop brought to you by Two Little Cavaliers, Life with Dogs, and Confessions of the Plume! Welcome to all of you joining us for the first time we are so excited to have you and welcome back to our regular Hoppers.

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  1. Oh my, Murkin is precious!!

  2. Aw, Murkin is really cute! So are those kittens!

  3. Oh my goodness… what a good sport Murkin is! What a sweetheart!

  4. How tolerant Murkin is! What a sweetie!

  5. Hi Y’all,

    Great video. My Human says she used to know a Sheltie who the barn cats groomed and climbed all over. Made her think of that dog from the past.

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  6. Hello, I would like to say I Love this blog as I Love all kinds of doggies and cats and finding your blog was so fun. I will be back soon. In the meantime I found you on Mommies Point of View.

  7. I stumbled this for you!

  8. Beautiful dog! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend! 🙂

  9. Murkin is such a good boy! This reminds me of how well my Labrador Maya tolerated my 16mo old nephew this holiday. Even though she had never been around children that young before she did remarkably well.


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    […] = 'none'; document.getElementById('singlemouse').style.display = ''; } Murkin the Rescue Dog Playing with 5 Foster Kittens / Pet Bloggers Blog Hop — Two Little CavaliersMurkin the Rescue Dog Playing with 5 Foster Kittens / Pet Bloggers Blog Hop — Two […]

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