Do You Feel Nauseous If Your Dog Throws Up?

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

A resting Cavalier King Charles Spaniel


I was getting ready to put the dogs to bed tonight and was fixing their blankets and stuff when Indiana threw up her dinner and various other “treats” she had been given throughout the day. She didn’t look sick and she wasn’t acting sick so I think she was just given too many treats (not by me) and the last one was just too much. Since I was there when she did it for the most part I was able to quickly put a towel on top of their blankets so that they didn’t get all messed up. Its too cold where we are right now for them not to be able to sleep with lots of warm blankets to cuddle into.

Anytime Davinia or Indiana get sick whether from eating something bad or having an upset tummy it makes me nauseous for hours. Especially when thy throw up but they aren’t really sick and then they try and eat it again. Sorry to be gross. But if your dog isn’t sick and the food isn’t bad they just had too much excitement that day or someone giving them extra treats they will try and eat it again or if you are a multi dog household the other one will try and eat it. Its how I can tell if they are really sick or not if they try and eat it after. Indiana is decidedly not sick as both she and Davinia thought it looked appealing (which just makes me feel more nauseous). Of course I took it away and got rid of it but it gave me the peace of mind to know that she isn’t really sick and needing me to monitor her tonight or too sick to travel back home tomorrow. That doesn’t mean that I don’t feel nauseous almost an hour later while Indiana was ready to eat immediately after getting sick.

Dog Throws Up Now What:

If your dog seems interested in food and or water immediately after throwing up you can take care of them at home. Keep them comfortable and warm either surrounded by blankets or covered and calm. You can rub their tummy if they let you or just sit with them for a little bit to make sure that whatever was going on has passed. Taking up food is probably a good idea for at least a few hours to give their stomach some time to rest. Leave the water down and encourage your dog to drink little bits at a time. Depending on how you think your dog is feeling they can eat their regular food for their next meal. If they still seem a bit not like themselves but have not vomited again you can give boiled chicken and rice. It is gentle on their tummy but gets some vitamins and nutrients inside of them to help them get better. Even if your dog is not interested in the food but has been willing to drink it is not the worst thing. Yes you should keep a close eye on things but because our dogs eat on a daily and regular basis a day without eating is not horrible as long as they are not still getting sick to their stomach. Add food back in slowly when they are able to eat even a quarter of their regular meal soaked in water is a good start to going back on foods.

If your dog is clearly sick continuing to throw up take up their food and water and seek veterinary help.

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  1. Kolchak & Jodi says

    Awww, feel better Indiana. I hate the sinking feeling you get when the dog throws up. I take puking humans in stride and I’ not afraid to tell them to “suck it up”, but a pukey puppy breaks my heart.

  2. Benny & Lily says

    Mom said for some reason,no
    Benny & Lily

  3. Aw, hope Indiana feels better. I always feel terrible when Bella gets sick, but somehow I’ve gotten over the nausea. I joke that if I ever did have kids, cleaning up various things that have come out of Bella over the years has made me immune to that sort of thing.

  4. L. D. Pegram Boyle says

    Too many treats will make a dog sick. I beleive their dog food should come first and then give a treat. Dogs are just like humans, sometimes a dog just neesds to get rid of what ever is making them sick. Too many wrong foods will upset a dog.I beleive keeping your dog on a healthy diet.

  5. Our girl cat, to my knowledge has never thrown up since we rescued her – she sometimes starts to cough up a hairball and then she swallows it back down. That totally grosses me out. Our one boy cat, Harley, ate a slug once – it came back up right away, almost completly intact which made me gag. About once or twice a year, he will puke if he eats to fast – the worst part is he tries to “cover” it up (similar to how he would in the litter box) but all he ends up doing Is smearing it into and across the carpet. He usually sits right next to it until we clean it up . Its kind of cute, but I feel bad, that he feels bad!

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