Dog Adopted in Afghanistan Arrives Home in US

Blanco (Grand Rapids Press)


It has taken almost a month for Blanco the dog who adopted the National Guard unit in Afghanistan to arrive home in the US. His trip was long with many plane transfers and some quarantine time he is now home with the soldiers parents awaiting the arrival at the end of the month of his soldier daddy Lee Chandler. In fact it was a true international effort to get Blanco back to the US to live the life of a pampered dog Through the efforts of Chandler’s platoon, as well as the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals International (SPCAI), the Afghan Stray Animal League, Air Force, Navy and National Guard personnel and the bake sale hosted by Chandler’s family and friends, Blanco landed on American soil first in New York. From there, he’ll make his way to Grand Rapids and then to Chandler’s mother’s home in northern Michigan, where he’ll await Chandler’s return at the end of July.

Blanco was met at the Grand Rapids airport by his sister and brother-in-law and their children. Even though Blanco had most likely not spent much time around children he knew that children are good people and jumped up and hugged them and immediately let them pet and play with him.

Blanco will now literally be the teacher’s pet Chandler his dad is a Middle School Social Studies teacher and will be resuming civilian life on his return. The two will get to spend the end of summer together and then prepare for the new school year.

Morning update from Blanco’s family:

Blanco is adjusting well , slept most of the 3 hour ride home after picking him up from airport. Hmm wonder if dogs suffer from jet lag? He is getting along great with Sam our dog. Slept in the bed with us However I think this was a new experience for him the comfort of a soft bed. Like most young dogs he begs to be played with.the only issue so far is he is not house broken but with some patience that will come.He seems courious and excited to be outside lots of things to explore in the woods surounding our home, but for now he will be confined to the end of a 30 foot lead, If I was to let him get lost in the woods my son would be veryupset after all the work put into getting him home. At this time I would like to thank all of you that helped make it possible from the bakesale to facebook response it truley was a community effort thank you all.


Chandler and Blanco in Afghanistan (photo courtesy of Chandler)


For more about Blanco and his journey home

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