The 4 Universal Needs of Dogs

1. Healthy Skin and Coat 
The skin and coat serve as an outward sign of the overall health status of the dog because it is the dog’s most metabolically active organ. Its therefore feasible that a change in health status may be observed first in the skin and coat. However the skin and coat play a much larger role in canine health than simply as an indicator – they are responsible for several critical health functions, including protection form the environment, thermoregulations, and water balance.

2. Immunity 
A well functioning immune system is important for all animals  especially for dogs. Dogs spend much of their time investigating their surroundings, sniffing and licking some potentially questionable items. Dogs require an outstanding immune system to help keep them healthy as they venture out and investigate the world around them.

3. Digestion
Diet digestibility plays a large role in the overall health and well-being of your dog. Without proper digestion of the diet, your dog would be deprived of the nutrients it needs to live a healthy and enriched life .

4. Oral Care
Healthy, clean teeth and gums aren’t just attractive they are critical to a dogs overall health and well-being. Gum disease is the number one health issue for pet dogs today with 4 out of 5 developing some sort degree of gum disease by the age of three. When left untreated the effects of gum disease aren’t just limited to a dogs mouth serious diseases such as kidney, heart, and liver diseases have been associated with gum disease.

Waltham Nutrition Report –  The Role of Nutrition in Addressing the Four Universal Needs of Dogs. Waltham is a division of Mars Petcare.

Pedigree Canine Nutrition Summit 2011 Nashville, Tennessee.

Amazon Native Ads – Pet Supplies


  1. I came across your blog through stumble tumble, I am your newest follower…

  2. Shopper Gal says

    Very helpful information. I just adore our dog, Sophie 🙂

    I stumbled you 🙂
    -Shopper Gal

  3. Kathleen Gregg Huertas says

    I stumbled on your post…Love the blog and the info on doggies…I am a huge pet lover, here is my post…

  4. Angela (Library Girl Reads) says

    Thanks for Stumbling my post. I've Stumbled yours as well.

  5. I stumbled you, my post is It's Monday, Here's what I'm reading!

    p.s. i have a bich poo who is my BFF

  6. Evelyn M Leon says

    I stumbled you. And your newest follower. My post is

    Great post on what dogs need. I am sharing this with my nephew who had some questions on oral health the other day.

  7. Dogs definitely have their needs!

    I stumbled your post – would love if you'd stumble mine!

  8. Kelly's Lucky You says

    We don't have a dog right now, but I'm definitely a dog (and cat) fan!

    One of the benefits of Stumble Tumble Tuesday is beyond the obvious, it's an opportunity to read everyone's best posts of the week – love it!

    Stumbled! Here's mine:

    (I'm having a Stumble-Saturday-Kinda-Week)

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