How to Treat Constipation in Dogs

How to Treat Constipation in Dogs

Every now and then, dogs can experience constipation sometimes it is from a change in environment, stress, a new schedule, or even an extra treat someone snuck them at a party. This is never pleasant, as your dog will be quite uncomfortable and want to go outside more than usual. When you recognize the signs of constipation in dogs (straining, lack of a bowel movement) there are several things you can try to cure it. Take a look below at some easy ways to help your dog when constipated so he can be more healthy and comfortable. Take a look!

How to Treat Constipation in Dogs

5 Tips On How to Treat Constipation in Dogs

1. Feed additional fiber.
Add a teaspoon of coconut fiber to their food to add some fiber. You can also give them a few teaspoons of canned pumpkin or even dark, green leafy vegetables if they will eat them. All of these items can add more fiber and get things moving.

2. Consider a probiotic.
Speak to your vet to see if there is a probiotic she can suggest. This probiotic can be given when constipation occurs and help soothe the issue.

3. Get plenty of exercise.
Keep your dog moving and active to avoid constipation. Simple, brisk walks or a game of fetch work great.

4. Keep them hydrated.
Dehydration is one of the main causes of constipation. Keep fresh water out at all times and be sure your dog is visiting the water bowl regularly. Add water to yours dog’s food before you give it to them. Kibble is very dry by nature but can soak up a lot of liquid.

5. Give them a massage.
A simple stomach massage in a large, circular motion can help keep things moving. Talk to your vet about massage techniques that can aid in digestion.

Your dog does not have to suffer from constipation. Give these tips a try and see how easy it can be to keep your dog and his digestive system healthy and happy!

Should these tips not seem to solve the issue, consult your vet. Any symptoms such as blood in the stool, lethargy, or other not typical behaviors should warrant a phone call to a professional.

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  1. Thank you for your informative blog- have used the pumpkin-great reminder. And for the opposite problem, I have used carob powder, mixed w/ a little water, given orally in a tiny syringe-works almost immediately. I have two ShihTzu rescues- girl and boy. My little sweethearts, MuShi and Kai Shen, who have found their soulmate in each other. Your babies are adorable!
    Another note: is/ was there an Alexander Elfenbein, MD in your family?

  2. My little one Phoebe was straining (& yelped in pain a couple of times) and scooting on the rug. Her stool is really hard now for some reason, and continues to be so. The vet gave her injections which worked for only a short while. Adding about 1/4 cup of milk to her food was really helpful, it softened her stool right up! I did a blog post about Phoebe’s issue a few weeks ago. My Vet has since suggested switching to a high fiber food but so far I’m adding natural foods like milk or pumpkin to her food while I search for a new food.
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
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