June 24th is Take Your Dog To Work Day

Thanks to BestFriends.org for the graphic

According to a survey by the American Pet Products Association (the same people that put on Global Pet Expo each year) , almost one in five companies in the United States allows pets in the workplace on a regular basis. Some companies allow pets one day a week while others welcome them every day. Employees of large corporations, like Google, Zynga, and Amazon, are allowed bring their pets to work daily. While it is nice to know that some companies allow pets on a regular basis it still means that most don’t.

Maybe this is the year to speak with your boss to see if you can bring your pet with you. Your Boss might be interested to know that studies have shown that having dogs in the workplace increases productivity and creativity. Surveys also indicate that employees credit dogs in the workplace for decreased absenteeism and improved co-worker relationships and teamwork. What Boss wouldn’t love to hear that! Seriously more people showing up for work regularly and on time improved productivity and better teamwork. You would think achieving those things is any manager or bosses dream for their company.

Maybe your boss still isn’t sold on the idea? Then how about this participation in Take Your Dog To Work Day is a fun, low-cost “pet perk” to offer employees. In fact if they just allow your pet to come to work and rest in your office or underneath your desk for the day there really is no added cost. if they chose to maybe buy a box of cookies to welcome their new Canine Assistants or buy some bowls for water well then cost are still very minimal and the dogs will put a smile on everyone’s face for the entire day.

Were you already planning on taking your pet to work net Friday? Now that you are armed with some information on why you boss should allow it will you be asking at work tomorrow?

Amazon Native Ads – Pet Supplies


  1. Benny & Lily says

    mom wishes she could take us to work
    Benny & Lily

  2. How fun! I take my pets to work every day… since I am a SAHM.

    I am stopping by from the I ♥ Blogging hop, thank you for joining our hop! http://www.mooseandtater.com

  3. Done! I can’t wait!!

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