Summer Reading List 2013 – A Mini Review

Summer Reading List 2013

Summer 2013 Buzz Books to Keep Your Eye On: A Review

Summer Reading List 2013

I recently had the opportunity to examine excerpts from books that publishers think are going to be on everyone’s Summer Reading List 2013 according to NetGalley. After reading the entire twenty five excerpts, I can say that there are some that are worthy of the title Buzz Books and others not so much. The best books that I think will be at the top of the New York Times Bestseller Summer Reading List 2013 and ones to enjoy as well are the ones that I wish to share with you today.

Z by Theresa Anne Fowler – A re-imagining of the life of Zelda Fitzgerald that will take you back in time, make you laugh, cry, and keep you up late till you reach the end. I loved the absolute picturesque descriptions of locations, her relationship with F Scott, their friends and Zelda’s biting wit. I look forward to adding this book to my shelf.

Cooked by Michael Pollan – If you loved Omnivore’s Dilemna, then you will absolutely want to add this book to your bookshelf. Michael Pollan explores his previously unused kitchen through the four elements- fire, water, air and earth to learn to turn the delicious things of nature into foods we love to eat and drink. He learns how to grill with fire, cook with liquid, bake bread and ferment just about everything from cheese to beer. If you know a cook or a serious foodie, this would be a great book to give as a gift.

Beg: A Radical New Way of Regarding Animals by Rory Freedman – This is an ode to how animals can make our lives more wonderful and how we can better protect them. Rory is an outspoken animal advocate and owner of three dogs Timber, Joey, and Lucy, her own personal foster failure. Rory shares her tale of joint custody of Timber and Joey with her ex and how the dogs had their own little adventures. This is an enjoyable tale for animal advocates everywhere.

The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau – If you have a Hunger Games fan at your house, well, you can add this one to the book list for them. This dystopian thriller has all the twists and turns to keep your teen or pre-teen up late until the very end. This Young Adult offering is certainly going to burn up the NYT list.

The Astronaut Wives Club – Lily Koppel- This is the real story of the wives of the Mercury seven astronauts some of the greatest heroes in American history. Go inside the fascinating more than fifty year friendship of these remarkable women and share their joys, sorrows, and interesting tales of life as an astronaut’s wife. These women banded together to do what needed to be done no matter what and supported each other through some very turbulent and dramatic times.

I hope that some of these books that I shared today might find their way onto your Summer Reading List 2013 tucked away in your beach tote this summer along with all the leashes, toys, and snacks your dogs needs to enjoy a day outdoors with you. Happy Reading!

Scottish Rose Art Studio

Meet Paige Two Little Cavaliers Official Book Reviewer and pet parent

I am an artist, art educator, mom, cook, book lover, pet parent, runner, and backpacker. I can be found online at,, and

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