Elf on the Shelf Alternative – Mischief In the Kitchen

Elf on the Shelf Alternative – Mischief In the Kitchen

Elf on the Shelf images are everywhere right now some cute, some funny, some just plain old creepy. I wanted to do something fun for the Holidays that was Dog themed. I decided it was time to create our own Elf on the Shelf Alternative. Meet Mischief! Mischief is a Tricolor Cavalier puppy and the perfect way for us to have some fun. Obviously you could use any stuffed pup you have in the house to have some fun this season but I really wanted a Cavalier and I know that many of our readers have their own special breed that they love the most which is why I was so excited when I found the Cavalier because the company that makes her also makes a ton of other breeds (just follow the link and check out the rest!)
Ok now back to Mischief before she wrecks the kitchen.
Anyone with a dog knows that no matter how big or small they are they can wreak havoc if you aren’t careful and that is exactly what Mischief has done. Check out her kitchen adventures!

Elf on the Shelf Alternative Mischief Makes Pasta
First Mischief decided that she wanted to help make dinner or maybe that is unmake dinner.

After finally getting the pasta ready she wanted to learn to decorate a cake. Yes that could have been a complete disaster but e think her cute message is just perfect!
Elf on the Shelf Alternative Mischief Helps Decorate a Cake

I am sure that some of our readers have a dog or two that likes to help clean the dishes and Mischief is no different. How about a dog that climbs into the dishwasher? Here she is cleaning the dishes in the dishwasher.
Elf on the Shelf Alternative Mischief Cleans the Dishes

Do you give your dog’s bedtime cookies? I know that Davinia and Indiana get cookies maybe not right before bed but certainly several hours after dinner. Mischief went into the kitchen to the dog treat jar and tried to help herself.
Elf on the Shelf Alternative - Mischief Gets into the Dog Treats

If you thought these were cute stay tuned all weekend for more Elf on the Shelf Alternative fun! Mischief has gotten herself into all sorts of mischief and she intends to stick around long after the Holidays are over!

Some Elf on the Shelf Alternative Pups!

Links in this post are affiliate links. If you prefer not to use affiliate links search for Aurora Plush in your breed of choice!

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  1. hahaha adorable,xx Rachel
    speedyrabbit recently posted..Christmas Countdown December 5th!My Profile

  2. They are cute, but no GBGV in the bunch. That’s alright, we don’t mind being a bit off the beaten path. They are for sure much better than any elf on a shelf!
    Emma recently posted..Inside Advanced Nose Work ClassMy Profile

  3. Those are adorable. My son would flip for a cute little pup like these.

  4. Cute idea. My daughter has dozens upon dozens of stuffed animals she isn’t using, maybe we can repurpose one of them!
    Scott recently posted..So Long Chess, Hello Rivet WarsMy Profile

  5. I really love that you took a tradition and modified it to better fit your family and lifestyle. Those plush pups are adorable – even if he IS creating mischief in the kitchen!
    Liza @ Views From the ‘Ville recently posted..Kohl’s is the Source for Disney Frozen Toys and GiftsMy Profile

  6. LOL! What a really cute idea! My kids would like that, so many Elf on the Shelf posts, it’s neat to see something different and outside of the box!
    Mama to 5 BLessings recently posted..LeapTV Is The New Innovative Educational, Active Video Gaming SystemMy Profile

  7. That is so stinking cute. I want the puppy to come to my house and do my dishes.

  8. Elf on a Shelf freaks me out, but this is cute! I’m thinking about doing my own alternative next year, with a little girl gnome. My daughter will be three and a half, and I think she’ll love it!
    Alena Belleque (The Homemade Creative) recently posted..“Sharing Your Story Can Change A Life” #LiveOnGiveOnMy Profile


  1. […] else. If you missed the first two posts they are adorable and you have to check them out! Elf on the Shelf Alternative – Mischief In the Kitchen Elf on the Shelf Alternative For Dog Lovers Veterinarians and […]

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